
DealDash Helps You Reduce Blood Sugar


Reducing your blood sugar is good for your health, especially if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic. Here are some tips from DealDash to consider…

Firstly, if you suspect that you might have diabetes, please get yourself to the doctor right away. It is possible to reverse its effects if it is caught in time, so please don’t delay. Next, if you have already been to the doctor and just need some tips on reducing your blood sugar, then this is the article that you need to read. Let DealDash give you some ideas to reduce your blood sugar.

Cut the

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DealDash’s Unusual Uses for Baking Soda


Baking soda is inexpensive and extremely versatile. Here are some interesting uses from DealDash.

Baking soda is the household name for sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate a processed natural salt; it was originally made as a leavening agent for baking. However, there are so many useful tasks for baking soda that it’s hard to imagine using it for just baking! In fact, I have rarely used baking soda in baking, but rather numerous uses around the house. Read on for some handy tips and tricks to using baking soda from DealDash.

Dry Dog Shampoo

If your dog is getting a little  — Read full post


The DealDash Way to Up Your Vitamin C


It’s extremely important to get healthy doses of Vitamin C every day. Not everyone gets enough in their diet. Let DealDash help.

In case you didn’t know, Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an antioxidant that helps control infection, neutralize free radicals, and aid in the body’s absorption of iron. These are all excellent properties that make Vitamin C an extremely healthy vitamin that you need to have in your life.It also helps to make collagen, which is vital to the health of teeth, gums, bones, and blood vessels. This is great news because Vitamin C is very  — Read full post


DealDash Drinks Green Tea

DealDash green tea

Many people enjoy black tea or iced tea, but did you know that green tea is much healthier? It’s true! Read on to find out more…

Not only is green tea a delightful, light-flavored beverage, it’s also chock full of health benefits. Surprisingly enough, it is even considered an important nutritional means for warding off cancer. Isn’t that amazing?

How Do I Make Green Tea?

There are three main ways that you can make green tea. They are tea bag, tea ball, or loose tea. Each of these methods is pretty simple, and no matter which way you choose you  — Read full post


DealDash Health: Be Careful with your Coffee

DealDash coffee

Coffee is the morning beverage of choice for many people. Here are some interesting things you should know, from DealDash.

After your alarm wakes you up in the morning, you will most likely head to the kitchen to prepare your morning coffee. If you belong to the category of people that can not start their daily activities without a cup of coffee, then you should know what you do not have to put anything in your coffee for you to enjoy the real benefits of it.

What Should You Avoid When Drinking?

The dark elixir, as some call it, it  — Read full post