
DealDash Helps Refine Your Focus

DealDash Focus

There are so many distractions in the world today, it’s hard to keep and refine your focus. Here are some tips from DealDash to help.

As an adult with ADHD, I am an expert at becoming distracted. This is fairly common for people who don’t have ADHD as well, there are so many distractions today, from your phone’s notifications to text messages, and everything else. If you are someone who has trouble concentrating like myself, you probably have come up with some coping mechanisms already. If you haven’t, though, here are some ideas to help you refine your focus.

DealDash fidget spinner


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DealDash Helps: Keep Pets Off the Furniture

DealDash Helps Keep pets off furniture

Pets are a huge part of the average American family’s lifestyle. They give so much love yet leave so much fur. Here are some tips from DealDash to keep the pets off of the furniture.

Many people have pets that live indoors all of the time, and these pets tend to get onto the furniture and leave fur. This is bad for the furniture and for your clothing as well. It can be tricky to break the bad habit of the pets jumping on the furniture, but it can be done. Here are some tips, tricks, and ideas from DealDash  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Be the Best You

DealDash Be Best You

We should all try to be our best selves, but sometimes we need a little help. DealDash is here with helpful tips.

Moving towards being your best self begins with loving and accepting yourself how you are at this particular moment. Everyone has a little room for improvement, but you should love yourself regardless if you have met your personal goals yet or not. Being the best “you” that you can be doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect. Embrace your small imperfections and strive for your goals. DealDash has tips for changing your outlook.

Stop Holding Yourself Back

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DealDash Helps: Ease Anxiety

Are you one of the over 40 million Americans that have anxiety? Here are a few tips to help get a little relief.

Approximately 10% of Americans have an anxiety disorder. Luckily there are a few things that you can do to help yourself feel a little better. If none of these suggestions work for you then you should probably visit a doctor so you can get some help.

The most popular thing to ease anxiety is exercise! Luckily it doesn’t have to be strenuous, even just a brisk walk around the neighborhood or (even better) in a park or  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Take Care of Seniors

In other cultures family tends to take care of their senior citizens. However, in America that’s not always the case. How can we help?

One of the most prevalent problems that senior citizens  can face is loneliness and isolation. There are lots of ways that you can help your senior citizen friends that you know personally. One great way that you can help them is to offer transportation. Many of our older friends can’t (or won’t) drive anymore. If you and your family are going out for a quick trip to the grocery store, coffee shop, or local big box  — Read full post