Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Home: It’s Spring Cleaning Time Again!


It’s that time again – Spring cleaning time!! Read this article from DealDash and learn some great cleaning tips and tricks.

Spring is officially here, and that means it is time to do some deep cleaning. Some people dread spring cleaning, but other people enjoy decluttering their house.  Spring cleaning is very important for almost everyone especially if you tend to have allergies. You do not have to dread spring cleaning this year. Here are 3 spring cleaning tips from DealDash.

Make a Spring-Cleaning Schedule

Looking at your house and seeing what you have to clean can make the process  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash’s Best Laundry Sorting Tips


Everyone has to do laundry, and most people don’t like it! Here are DealDash’s best tips for sorting laundry to make your chore easier.

Laundry is a chore that most people don’t like to do, but it has to be done. Everyone needs clean clothes. Sorting clothes can take a lot of time. There are some ways that you can make sorting laundry a quick and easy process.  Doing laundry can take some time out of your day. Here 3 tips for sorting laundry and making the process faster:

Sort by Colors

No matter what type of habits you have  — Read full post


DealDash Helps Simplify Your Life


There’s nothing like de-stressing and simplifying your life. Want to know where to start? By reading this DealDash article.

We all have so many things to do between work, kids, pets, and maintaining a household that at times it can be overwhelming. You are most likely a little stressed out almost all the time. Simplifying your life can help reduce your stress. Below you will find some pointers that can decrease your stress level, from DealDash.

In the Home

Do you have too many chores inside the home? If you have a partner and kids then you can divide the  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Organizes Your Closet for the New Year


Here we are in January! Before you know it, it will be time for Spring cleaning. Get ahead with these closet organizing tips from DealDash.

It is the new year, and everyone is working on their resolutions. One of the most popular resolutions is organizing your closet. An organized closet gets rid of all of the clutter. When your closet is organized it is easy to find the stuff you are looking for. If your closet is dirty it can seem like an overwhelming task. Here are some tips to organize your closet with a little help from DealDash. 


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Cleaning and Organizing Home Lifestyle

Happy New Year From DealDash!


Happy New Year 2019 everyone! How are you going to make this a great new year? Here are some ideas from DealDash.

Every new year is time to get a fresh start! Even if your 2018 was great, things can always be better. You can make very small changes to keep your home and family in tip-top condition for 2019. Keep your new year running smoothly with these tips and tricks.

Get a Planner – and Use it!

Almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays, and they always have calendars. However, having a paper planner can make your life easier, and  — Read full post