Play Smart Win DealDash
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Play Smart Play To Win On DealDash

One common question new bidders might ask is “How can I play smart and win big on DealDash?”

I discovered on Feb. 8, 2012, and I have been having fun shopping on this penny auction site ever since. During a 50 percent off auction April 16, I won a $25 Bed, Bath & Beyond gift card for only 3 bids and 15 cents.  Wins like this are what makes shopping on so exciting and fun.

Play Smart Win DealDash

To play smart and win big, try this DealDash winning strategy:

Instead of placing just one bid at the beginning of the auction,  — Read full post

DealDash Customer Service
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Customer Phone Interview with DealDash Employee

DealDash Customer Service

“I’ve just had a call with Gina from Ohio! She’s been shopping with DealDash since 2012 but only really started bidding earlier this year.” – Chris, DealDash employee.

Here are the questions Gina answered while speaking with Chris over at DealDash.

What items do you generally bid on?

Mainly gift cards but if I see something that could be good for my three sons then I’ll bid on it. I like to watch to see what the competition is like. ”I throw 10 bids in and see who bites!”

What items would you like to see?

Garden Furniture
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DealDash Universe
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Anatomy Of An Auction

DealDash Universe

The word anatomy is defined as “the study of the body plan of animals” so you may be wondering why I’ve chosen to use it to describe an auction.

The reason is that I view an auction as a “living” thing.  Each auction has it’s own individual “personality” based upon the various bidders involved.  Every auction is unique, but watch enough auctions and you will notice that most auctions follow a certain pattern.

When an auction begins, it typically goes through a stage which is a bit like throwing a piece of raw meat into a cage filled with hungry

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