Fisher Price Step N Play Piano won on DealDash

Toy Around To Get Great Deals On    

I saw this adorable Fisher Price walker and play toy on and just had to have it! This children’s play toy was so cute I knew I wanted to bid on this and win it for my grandchild!

I booked bids into my DealDash BidBuddy and won it! Of course it took awhile to win because everyone must of thought this toy was as cute as I thought it was! Although there were a lot of bidders going for this item as well, I was bound and determined my grand-baby was getting this toy as the first christmas present from us! I ended up finally winning this for $21.76 and I did not overspend on bids therefore it turned out to be a really good deal and savings!

Of course everything ships free from DealDash and most of the time very fast to! This toy arrived just 2 days after winning it and it is adorable! This toy has the capability of a normal walker but it’s more fun with piano keys that the baby stands on, so as the baby walks from side to side it makes music! It has flashing lights and attachable toys so it grows as the baby grows! This toy can start off as a walker, then you can convert it when the baby can stand so it becomes a table too. When the child starts learning how to walk they can push it along and walk behind it.

Also see: What Motivates Someone To Bid On DealDash?

I know our son will get a kick out of it as much as his baby because he loves music and has been in bands since he was 14 years old and he is now 29! He will be playing his guitar while his baby is playing piano in this toy walker. Too cute! If you’re looking for a fun and  interchangeable toy as a baby gift for your friend or family member, this is a good one to consider. Although it’s pretty expensive for a toy (retails around $100), lists them up for auction so you’ll have a chance to get a good deal like I did.

By Dan Boles and Donna

Fisher Price Step N Play Piano toy won on DealDash