Best time to bid on DealDash

3:00 AM DealDash Wins

Best time to bid on DealDash

Although my DealDash wins are limited, I do find that I’ve gotten some pretty good deals. I remember one of my first auction wins and this is the example that got me hooked on penny auctions.

I couldn’t sleep one night and decided that I was going to buy a bid pack because I had gotten an email advertising a 15-cent bid price for the weekend. As I perused the auctions at 3AM, I noticed the lack of people on the site because I was popping in and out of auctions (observing in my conservative way, LOL) to see if the bids being placed were BidBuddy or actual bidding. I found a handful of auctions coming up and bookmarked them. When they started, I put my starting bid in on all of them and two auctions, I won with only a 1-penny bid!!!

SOLD to the first and only bidder, a $10 Burger King gift card!

SOLD to the first and only bidder, an iPhone 5 accessory kit!

And to include free shipping on top of it, I was hooked on the rush of winning. The items were shipped, and I received each one within 4 days of paying. I was so excited and have decided that the best time for me to bid is at night, if I can get myself out of bed.

By Gigi Pence

A little about myself: I’ve been bidding on DealDash for about two years and really like it. I like to frequent DealDash because it is fun and entertaining. I’ve gone to other sites but find myself coming back to DealDash because you can get your bids back if you lose the auction using the Buy it Now.