DealDash: Make 2021 the Best Year Ever

Make no mistake, 2020 was a terrible year for just about everyone. Let’s make 2021 the best year ever. DealDash can help.
As we say goodbye (and good riddance) to 2020, we will welcome 2021 with open arms. There are things that you can do to make 2021 the best year ever. Here are a few suggestions, from DealDash.
Make 2021 the Best Year Ever by Keeping in Contact – DealDash Can Help
Firstly, there are few things in life more important than family and friends. This year has been horrible in many ways, but there have been a few bright spots. One of these bright spots has been that more people have learned how to use technology to keep in contact. Most younger people were already using texting, Facetiming, and other phone apps to chat with their friends. However, this year, many older people have learned how to use this technology, too.
My children’s great-grandma turned 90 this month, and she (with help from nurses) has learned how to Facetime us all from her nursing home! It’s amazing to see someone born in 1930, before Franklin Roosevelt was president, use modern technology.
If you are in need of technology, DealDash can help. Simply browse the Electronics and Computers category and you will find everything you need to keep in contact. Need a new iPad, Surface Tablet, or laptop? Not a problem, DealDash has you covered in the electronics department!
For Your Best Year, Focus on the Small Things
Next, to make 2021 the best year ever (or at least a better one than 2020), it’s important to focus on the small things. For example, most years when you get a Christmas or birthday card, you probably look at it quickly and put it on a shelf. In 2021, try to slow down and really try to focus on appreciating the small things. Take that card and think about the person who took the time to send it, how they were thinking of you, and how important you must be to them. When the spring comes, plant some flower seeds. Take special care of them, and enjoy watching them grow. Try to slow down and enjoy the tiny pleasures of life.
Take Care of Yourself in 2021
Finally, to have the best year ever, be sure to do little things to take care of yourself. In 2020, many of us ate unhealthy things too often, watched too much TV, and didn’t practice enough self-care. In 2021, it’s important to take good care of yourself. If you need a little help getting started, Oprah Magazine has a great article with 25 self-care tips to boost your mental health. Try out some of these tips, and 2021 will be looking up!
Thanks for Reading
I hope this blog has been helpful to think about how to make 2021 the best year ever. Try these tips and suggestions, and you will be well on your way. Thanks for reading the newest blog article.
If you need tablets, laptops, or other electronics with free shipping DealDash can help. You will find items that can help you keep in touch with family and friends. Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!
This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.