
More Cleaning Ideas from DealDash

DealDash Cleaning

Unless you are living with your parents or have a daily maid, then you are probably doing at least a little housework. Here are some more cleaning tips and ideas from DealDash.

Cleaning is usually not at the top of the list when people think about “fun activities.” However, if you are able to streamline your cleaning routine by using some of these tips and tricks from DealDash at least you will get things done faster. And when you get the cleaning done faster it means that there is more time left over to do fun activities instead. Here are  — Read full post


DealDash Recipes: Baked Cheesy Macaroni

Image result for baked mac cheese

Kids and adults alike will enjoy this baked cheesy macaroni dish. It’s simple to make and delicious!

This baked cheesy macaroni is super-simple to make, and people love homemade macaroni and cheese. It is light years ahead of the boxed versions, and almost as inexpensive to make.

This baked cheesy macaroni has a powerful advantage for you: it is made with dry pasta, so there’s no need for precooking. Here’s a tip: the pasta cooks in the oven, absorbing the liquid from the dairy products. That’s a time-saver right there! Read on, and prepare for a delicious baked cheesy macaroni  — Read full post


DealDash Talks: Lessons I Have Learned From My Children

DealDash Lessons Children

Aren’t children such funny tiny little people? They can teach you some amazing life lessons without even realizing it.

Children of all ages have life lessons to teach you, all you have to do is really listen to what they are saying. Many people don’t really pay attention when their kids are trying to talk to them, but you should really take the time to listen. You might learn something. Here are some tips from DealDash.

Friendship Problems Can Be Fixed

As adults it seems like the moment that a friend says or does something that you don’t like  — Read full post


DealDash Upgrades Your Life

DealDash Life

Are you living your best life? Why not look at things differently and see if you can give yourself a bit of a life upgrade with tips from DealDash.

Sure, I’m sure that your life is pretty awesome. But what if you could change just a few little things and make your life even better? What if those things were so small and simple that you barely realized that you were making changes, yet your life seemed to get better and better all the time? Here are some of those tiny changes that you can make to give yourself a  — Read full post


DealDash Makes Delicious Breakfast

dealdash makes breakfast

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many people don’t have time to make breakfast in the morning. Here are some ideas from DealDash.

Not everyone has time to make a full breakfast every morning – or any morning for that matter! That doesn’t mean that you should skip breakfast, though! If you can manage to make a small breakfast you will have a much more productive day than if you skipped it. Here are some quick breakfast tips from DealDash for you to try.

Easy Smoothie

Blend frozen fruit (banana and berries work well) with  — Read full post