DealDash Upgrades Your Life

DealDash Life

Are you living your best life? Why not look at things differently and see if you can give yourself a bit of a life upgrade with tips from DealDash.

Sure, I’m sure that your life is pretty awesome. But what if you could change just a few little things and make your life even better? What if those things were so small and simple that you barely realized that you were making changes, yet your life seemed to get better and better all the time? Here are some of those tiny changes that you can make to give yourself a life upgrade, from DealDash.

Try a Hobby

Try a hobby that you think is silly and ridiculous. For instance, if you think that video games are a waste of time then give them an honest chance. Don’t go out and buy a whole game system, of course, but download a few games on your phone or play a few flash games on your computer. Try a few different types of games such as the “room escape” type or the “hidden object” type. You might be surprised at how much fun you have playing those “silly” games.

Eat Something Mysterious

Adventurous eating takes a little bravery, but some of those strange things can be really delicious. If you are an especially plain eater, try a different sauce or dressing next time you go out. Ask for it on the side so if you really don’t like it, you don’t have to finish it. For those of you who are already moderately adventurous, go crazy! Try shark fin soup, alligator, cow tongue, or anything that you would normally think is a little too far out of your comfort zone. You never know what you might find as your new favorite food.

New Music is Good Music

Many people get stuck in a musical rut. Most of the people that I know have a set genre of music that they like to listen to, and that’s that, no deviations. I was the same way when I was younger, but as I have gotten older I have really expanded on my musical tastes. If I had stuck with only listening to rock/alternative, I would have never discovered some amazing indie, country, and blues music. Try this: every day next week on your way to work put the radio on a different type of music than you normally listen to – you might just find a new favorite song!

Since we’re talking about trying new things, why not try bidding on an item on DealDash that you normally wouldn’t bid on? If you normally only bid on computer items, try jewelry! If you usually bid on practical things like sheets, why not try art? The more categories you explore on DealDash, the greater your knowledge and the more chances you have to win.

I hope that you found this article on upgrading your life helpful. Be sure to check back here as well as our sister blog DealDash Tips every day for fresh new articles. If you need anything to pamper yourself be sure to check DealDash first. DealDash has items for you! Visit DealDash now. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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