DealDash Cooks: From Scratch!


Dinner from the freezer is fine, but scratch-made meals are so much better! Read on for more information from DealDash.

When you are looking to plan your family’s meals, you should take into consideration making some or all of your meals from scratch. There are many benefits that are obvious (and some not so obvious!) that you should know about. As always, DealDash has tips for you. Find out more about scratch cooking in the article below.

Want to Save Valuable Time?

To begin with, when you are preparing your meals from scratch, surprisingly, you’ll actually find yourself saving time. The best way to save time is to cook in an “assembly line” fashion. After planning your meals, figure out how much you will need of everything, for example:

  • 3 Cups onions
  • 4 Pounds chicken, cleaned and cut into pieces
  • 6 Cups beef stock
  • Etc.

Preparing these items can take a lot of time when you do them each day, little-by-little. However, if you have planned ahead and are doing scratch cooking, you can prepare all of these things in one session. Doing monthly cooking you’ll save plenty of your time while prepping for cooking from scratch.

Your Family Will Eat Much Healthier

Next, another benefit other than saving time is you will be eating healthier once you are making meals from scratch. The great thing is that you will control exactly what goes into your meals, for example, the amount of salt, oils, etc. When you are preparing your family’s meals with pre-made things from cans, boxes, and the freezer you are serving up more fat and calories than you would if you had made the foods from scratch. This is an excellent way to cut down on some of the “bad” foods in your diet without losing the taste.

Get Cooking Items From DealDash – Save Time and Money

Finally, saving money is a great benefit from when preparing your family’s meals from scratch. When you cook from scratch you can buy all of your non-perishable items in bulk. This will save you both money and time.

Another way to save money and time is by using DealDash for your cooking items. By taking advantage of the Bid Buddy feature you can participate in auctions without even being stuck in from of the computer. Also, if you aren’t the highest bidder, you can always buy the item using the BIN (Buy It Now) button, and you will receive all of your bids back. You can use these bids on a different auction. Just click right here to check out the Kitchen and Dining category.

Thanks for Reading

As you can see, there are many benefits you can get from making your family’s meals from scratch. Take advantage of these benefits just by simply doing a little research and diving right in! Your family will love the delicious and healthy meals that you prepare them from scratch.

If you need new cooking supplies DealDash can help! Check out the Kitchen and Dining Category. You’ll find pots and pans, cutlery, and small appliances. Have fun and happy bidding everyone!




This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Come see Dawn and her cats on Instagram. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.