DealDash Dries Hair

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I would wager a guess that almost all of the people who are reading this article have used a hair dryer at some point in their life. However, most people probably don’t know the history of the hair dryer. DealDash does…

The hair dryer was invented in France in 1890, by a salon owner named  Alexander F. “Beau” Godefroy. The hair dryer that he created was the stationary kind that looks similar to the ones seen in salons today, with the seat for the person to sit on, and the hood that goes over the head. His version, however, was not the rigid material that you see the hoods being made out of today, but rather a flexible shower-cap type of hood.

After 25 years or so, the hair dryer branched out into handheld versions as well as the stationary hooded type. The handheld version looked quite similar to what we use today, though they were much heavier, some upwards of 2 pounds. Interestingly enough, the only real changes since the 1920s have been mostly visual, as the mechanism of the dryer has not had any significant changes since its inception.

Now that you know a little bit about its history, let’s look at some tips on using the hair dryer.

  • Use a heat protector. The hair dryer uses extremely high temperatures that can damage your hair if you leave it in one place for too long. The heat protector can save your hair from getting fried.
  • Use a concentrating nozzle for straight styles, and a diffuser for curly styles. The concentrating nozzle directs all of the air exactly where you want it, shortening your time drying your hair. The diffuser does the opposite, and drying time takes longer, but it won’t make your curly hair frizzy.
  • If you have the time to spare, try letting your hair air dry or towel dry for 10 to 15 minutes before you use the blow dryer. It will save you on power and save your hair some damage.

I hope that you learned a bit about hair dryers by reading this article. DealDash has many health and beauty items available, including hair dryers. I personally won a hair dryer from DealDash for 1 bid and .02 last year. Check out the hair dryers on DealDash at this link right here. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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