DealDash’s Tips to Get Your Grill Ready for BBQing

BBQ weather is coming and I’m excited! If you need some tips on how to prepare your grill for the season, DealDash has you covered.

One of my favorite parts about warm weather is that it makes cooking so much easier. Sure, you can grill year-round, but I hate clearing the snow off of my deck so that I can start the grill. It’s important to make sure that you take care of the grill before you start cooking. Follow these suggestions from DealDash and get your grill ready in no time flat!

Stock Up on Grilling Essentials

Whether you have a charcoal grill or a gas grill, make sure you’re stocked up for the season. I typically use gas and there’s nothing worse than heating up the grill and coming out to find that nothing was heating because you didn’t have any gas.

Additionally, make sure that you’ve got all of your supplies in order. I like to keep a stock of aluminum foil and olive oil on hand. It makes things much easier to clean when you use aluminum foil.

Grates and Covers

I like to take all of the grates and covers out and do a deep soak. It would be smart to do this in the fall too, but I sometimes forget. So, I deep clean everything about a week before I’m ready to start grilling again. Typically, I just use soap and water. You’ll be amazed at how much grease those grates accumulate over one season of grilling.

Have Your Tools Handy and Ready to Go

It’s also important to have the right cooking tools. Be sure that you have a good spatula and tongs so that you can handle anything that you’re cooking. I’d also recommend a grill brush and a spray bottle filled with water. It seems a bit odd, but I typically spray the grill down while it’s still hot, then use the brush to clean everything off. I end by using the scarper portion. Be sure to clean the grill thoroughly: it’s possible to have a wire from the brush stick to the grate. It can then get in your food and cause all sorts of issues.

Get Grills and Supplies on DealDash

You needn’t go to the hardware store, spend lots of money, and then have to lug a new grill home yourself; DealDash has grills up for bid! It doesn’t matter if you prefer gas or charcoal – DealDash has them both! You will also find grilling toolsets and even packs of meat! Just click here to check them out.

Thanks for Reading

These are just a few of the things that you should do before grilling season kicks off.  By taking the time to do these suggestions beforehand you will enjoy your time in preparing food on your grill.

Thanks so much for reading this DealDash article on suggestions things you should do before you begin grilling season. Don’t forget to check back every day for new articles here. We love to hear from our readers, just leave a comment down below.

Do you want to get a new grill or grilling tools? Go check DealDash for outdoors and cooking items. Visit now to see how much you can save. Have a great time and happy bidding everyone! 


 This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Come see Dawn and her cats on Instagram. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.