DealDash Cooks: A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving

Using a slow cooker can make your Thanksgiving dinner easy to prepare. Here are tips from DealDash to use a slow cooker to prepare Thanksgiving dinner.
Many people are choosing to opt-out of cooking a big Thanksgiving meal this year. With that said, using a slow cooker can be a wonderful alternative to make a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind when preparing your Thanksgiving dinner with a slow cooker. DealDash loves to share kitchen tips with you, so read on for some informative tips.
What Parts of Thanksgiving Dinner Can be Slow Cooked?
When planning for Thanksgiving dinner, you should first decide what you would like to make in your slow cooker. Surprisingly, you can actually cook all of the basic ingredients of a Thanksgiving dinner in the slow cooker at the same time! You can also choose to just cook one part of the meal, such as the turkey, and cook the sides separately on the stove. It’s up to you. However, to make the absolute easiest Thanksgiving dinner, cooking it all at once in the slow cooker is the way to go.
The Country Living website has an excellent slideshow with 28 different Thanksgiving recipes for your slow cooker. Once you have decided to use your slow cooker to make Thanksgiving dinner, you will definitely want to browse these recipes.
Don’t Forget to Slice Those Veggies
Next, when preparing your veggies for the slow cooker, it’s very important to keep in mind that vegetables will take a longer time to be prepared than meat if you chop them in large pieces. So be sure that they are cut in small, thin, layers.This way you know there will be prepared properly and all of the vegetables will be done at the same time. Also, another tip to keep in mind is to put the veggies in the bottom, under the meat.
Get Your New Slow Cooker on DealDash
Finally, we all know that the biggest benefit of using a slow cooker to prepare meals is you save a lot of time and effort by “setting and forgetting” the meal. Another way to save time and effort is by using DealDash to find your new slow cooker and other kitchen tools. When you get your kitchen supplies on DealDash, you get to order from the comfort of your own home, 24 hours per day. Do you want free shipping on slow cookers? DealDash has free shipping on every single item!
Thanks for Reading
If you’ve used the slow cooker before, you know that it will be perfect to use to prepare your Thanksgiving dinner this year. It will be very beneficial by saving you both time and effort this Thanksgiving season. Also, it is definitely worth the investment if you are looking for a great way to prepare foods easily and deliciously – albeit slowly!
I hope that you found this new article on using a slow cooker for Thanksgiving dinner helpful. If you need any kitchen items such as a slow cooker, DealDash can help you. Check out the Kitchen and Dining Category today! Have fun and happy bidding everyone!
This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.