Bidding Tips Uncategorized

Saving Wins and Bins

I am not so good at saving. That is the whole truth. Finding the cash to buy expensive items for the home has been a struggle for me.

When I found a few years ago, I realized with the bidding, winning or buy-it-now options I might be able to get ahead on saving towards large ticket items I have not been able to save for before. I have been bidding on Home Depot gift cards quite often and find the time of day has a lot to do with the competition and your saving ability. In the morning hours  — Read full post

Gift Cards for Traveling Can Help
Home Review Uncategorized

How DealDash Helped Me “Deal” With a Tragedy


Normally I bid on DealDash just for fun, it’s something to keep me occupied while I am home with the kids during the day. It’s such a great feeling to see those fireworks and “Congratulations, LandOfNope!” across the screen.

I bid and WIN and BIN a good amount of gift cards. I WIN and BIN them for my own daily use, to save for the upcoming Christmas season, and also as little “tips” for my mailman, lawn guy, etc.

I have a pretty good stock of gas cards, department store cards, and of course restaurant cards which came in  — Read full post


Simple Exercises Make a Winning Difference

I do not know about other shoppers out there in land, but I know I often get sleepy, a stiff neck, sore shoulders and mentally sluggish after I spend too much time sitting in front of my computer. This is why I practice simple exercises and let me tell you they make a winning difference!

Whether you are playing from your home computer or a mobile device, I discovered it is important to take a few seconds, about once every 15 minutes, to do a few simple exercises.  By doing that, you are less likely to doze off  — Read full post

Competition on their winning limit
Review Uncategorized

Knowing Your Competition and Why it’s Important


Let’s talk about an important fact of knowing your competition when playing DealDash auctions.

You see an auction coming up that you like, you do your research to see if the Buy it Now price is something you’re willing to pay if you don’t WIN, you check the reviews of the product online, and you decide that you really want this item. Guess what? So do a lot of other people!

According to Wikipedia our beloved DealDash has over four million registered users! Of course, a good portion of those users probably have dormant accounts, or just don’t bid  — Read full post

Reasons Why I Bid on DealDash
Bidding Tips Review

Why I Bid For Gift Cards

My house is now 38 years old and any house that old is usually in need of renovation and repairs. That is why I bid for gift cards to Home Depot and Bed, Bath & Beyond and more.

I am now in the process of renovating every room in my house, one room at a time. Therefore, I know I can use those gift cards which is why I bid on them.

I use my Home Depot gift cards to purchase items like paint, paint pads, brushes, sand paper, green frog tape, new light fixtures and/or lamps, updated floor registers,  — Read full post