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DealDash Tips For The Beginner

I’m sort of new to but I’m not new to penny auctions. I first joined back in April of 2013 and I have been dedicated to DealDash only ever sense. Ive tried many other penny auctions and found Deal Dash to be the BEST. The customer support team is amazing and will promptly respond to any issues you might have and resolve them for you and all auction wins come with free shipping. I have over 137 auction wins and my favorite is the Apple Ipad I won for 1 penny during a win it now and let DealDash  — Read full post


DealDash Winning Strategies

I began bidding on DealDash over a year ago. I came to the site from another penny auction site that was not providing the customer service I had expected. But, on the site I had been on for over a year the best winning tips were bid fast, bid often and others would give up. I lost my first 300 bids bidding fast and often on DealDash. I really expected to win a $100 card the first few times I bid on auctions. Needless to say I learned the hard way. After losing the first 300 bids I decided to  — Read full post


DealDash is Great For Holiday Gifts

I love DealDash and would recommend it to anyone for holiday shopping. Why? Because it is a fun and secure way to get gift cards and gifts for everyone on your list! I have won a lot of items on this site and have always been pleased with the quality. The items they offer are not look a likes but instead are the same brands we all trust like KitchenAid (Made in the USA), Sony, Bose, Apple, Microsoft, Walmart, Target, Canon, Samsung, Nikon, LG, Toshiba, Amazon, Exxon, HP, etc. Be sure to bid on the items you know you want  — Read full post

Bidding Tips Home

My View of DealDash

I really have enjoyed bidding on DealDash. The trick to winning is using your Bid Buddy.

The BidBuddy allows you to bid on auctions even when you can’t be on the computer yourself. It will automatically place bids for you within last seconds of the auction clock. 

See DealDash Glossary for various terms and what they mean.

Those who are new and keep jumping every bid that pops up stand to lose a lot of money. Also they upset other bidders that are on a tight budget.

Letting the Clock Run Down” and “Don’t Jump my Time” are expressions

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Bidding Tips Home

Quick Tips and Tricks to win your way to Fun on DealDash!!

I have been on for a little over a year now and have won over 100 auctions. But this does not include all the many other auctions where I have used the “Buy it now” option (not nearly as much fun), but very worth it to get invested bids back. Remember “Bids are Money”. Shipping is ALWAYS free AND fast.

Ok, so on to the tips and tricks:
First tip and one of THE most important (as said by many) NO ONE likes a bid-jumper. These are the people who think that pulsing their bid now button will get  — Read full post