Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Car Wash Time

If you haven’t done your first car wash of the season – it’s time. Car wash time! DealDash has some helpful suggestions to get it done, quickly and easily.

Cars are a very important part of many people’s lives. Without a car, it would be difficult for us to go to work, school or errands. Car maintenance is very important, and part of that car maintenance is to keep the car clean. Washing the car regularly can keep the car beautiful and fresh. These are some tips for when it’s car wash time, from DealDash.

Car Wash Time! Pick a

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Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Gets Your Bathroom Sparkling

No one likes to do it – but it must be done. Cleaning the bathroom doesn’t have to take forever to get great results.

Do you know anyone who enjoys cleaning the bathroom? Probably not, but with these tips from DealDash, you will be able to get your bathroom sparkling in no time. It’s very important to keep your bathroom sparkling clean and germ-free. Here are some tips from DealDash to clean your bathroom and make it shine.

Toilet Tips

To start off with, I like to do my least favorite chore first, so I can get it out of  — Read full post

Fitness Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Teaching Healthy Habits

Everyone wants their kids to grow up to healthy adults. Teaching them healthy habits when they are young is a great start.

No one wants their kids to grow up to be unhealthy. Teaching your kids healthy habits will help them become healthier adults. Remember, you are your kid’s greatest source of inspiration, even if they would never admit it! Here are some suggestions from DealDash when you are looking impart healthy habits into your children for the good of their future.

Make Drinking Water a Healthy Habit

Just for starters, a very healthy habit to help your children develop  — Read full post


DealDash Eats Healthy in 2021

We all know that being a person who eats healthy is important for our well-being. However, if you are not used to it, it can be a little difficult to get started. DealDash is here with some suggestions.

First of all, no one is born knowing how to eat healthy and how to create healthy meals for themselves. When you begin your healthy eating journey, there will probably be a few bumps along the way. However, don’t despair. DealDash is here to help you get started on your way.

Learn to Be a Person Who Eats Healthy

To start with,  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

Simplify Things with DealDash

There’s just something that feels great about getting rid of items you don’t need anymore. DealDash has some suggestions for you.

From old cardboard boxes that your packages came in, to clothing that doesn’t fit anymore, it feels wonderful to get the extra things you don’t need out of your life. Simplifying your life can help reduce the level of stress you feel when you look at a cluttered home. Below you will find some pointers that can help you simplify things, from DealDash.

Simplify Things in the Bathroom

To start out with, a great place to begin to simplify  — Read full post