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DealDash Kids: Socially Distanced Fall Activities

Have fun and stay safe with these fun socially distanced activities from DealDash.

Sadly, life hasn’t been the most fun for kids lately. They are missing out on a lot of things that we took for granted just a year ago. However, there are still ways to have fun in a safe, socially distanced way. Read on for some suggestions from DealDash.

Socially Distanced Craft Activities at Home

Firstly, the easiest way to do socially distanced craft activities is to stay home, of course! Fall is the perfect time to do indoor activities such as arts and crafts. Just because  — Read full post

Cooking Kitchen

DealDash’s Pantry Prep for Autumn

Your pantry stock should change with the seasons.

Today we are going to talk about pantry prep during Autumn. Read on for helpful information from DealDash.

We are now in November, firmly planted in the season of autumn. Do you still have your pantry items from the summer lingering in your pantry? Let’s get organized, and make sure that your pantry is stocked with fall staples. Read on for tips, tricks, and information on pantry prep. — Read full post

Pets and Animals

DealDash Pets: Can You Afford a Cat?

Owning a cat is wonderful but can have a few hidden costs. Read this DealDash article to see if you can afford to get a cat.

Everyone knows that a “free” cat from a neighbor or the newspaper isn’t actually free – you will need to buy cat food, toys, and more. Other than those obvious costs, there are some that you might not immediately think of. This article will help you consider if you can actually afford a cat right now. Read this DealDash article for more information. — Read full post

Cooking Kids and Parenting

DealDash Cooks With Kids in Fall

Cooking is a fun activity to share with your kids or grandkids. Here are some tips from DealDash to cooking with kids in the fall.

Want to cook with your kids in the fall? The fall is an excellent time to let your kids help you in the kitchen. There are so many yummy treats to make that they enjoy eating. There are lots of fun activities that kids can do that will let them have fun and learn a skill as well. Here are a few kitchen activities that you can do with your kids in the fall, from  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Cleans: Autumn Car Wash

Winter is coming, it’s time to give your car one last car wash in autumn. Here are some tips from DealDash to get you started.

Pick a nice day and good tools to wash your car.

It might feel pleasant outside now, but winter will be here shortly. Your car will be getting dirty soon enough with ice, snow, and salt, so why not start with a clean slate? It’s important to take good care of your car, and a big part of taking care of your car is keeping it clean. Here are some tips to wash your car  — Read full post