Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash’s Spring Cleaning Series: The Garage


Spring is just around the corner. It’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning. Today, DealDash tackles the garage.

The groundhog didn’t see his shadow this year, so spring will be here before we know it. Over the next few weeks, we will bring you a Spring Cleaning series for around the house. Our first room is the garage! Read on for some garage cleaning tips from DealDash.

Step 1: De-Clutter

Before you can clean, you need to focus on de-cluttering. Start by focusing on the trash and empty boxes and such. Throw them away, or re-purpose your boxes to  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Laundry Tips for 2020


Get your clothes clean and smelling great. Just use these tips from DealDash!

Laundry can be a tedious process. It’s something that is a universal requirement. Everyone does the laundry, but there really aren’t any people that I know who actually enjoy doing laundry. So, we thought we’d try to offer some tips to make things a bit easier for you. Read on for ideas from DealDash.

Get a Pre-Treatment Area Set-Up

Start with a pre-treating set-up. If you have space, you can make it a separate area where you’ve got a table set up to work on things. If  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Cleans: Make the Bathroom Sparkle

DealDash cleans

Cleaning the bathroom isn’t fun, but it must be done. Use the tips from DealDash and get it done faster and easier.

Cleaning your bathroom doesn’t have to be a monumental task. Most people hate cleaning bathrooms because they let the bathroom get a little too messy. Rather than letting things get out of hand, find something small that you can do regularly. Read on for some suggestions from DealDash.

Clean a Little Every Time

Firstly, after washing your hands, you should have a towel that would be perfect for a quick wipe down. Use the cloth or towel after  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Tips for Using a Robotic Vacuum 

iRobot Roomba i7 7150 Wi-Fi Connected Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Robotic vacuums are a must if you have pets that shed or kids who drop crumbs. Read on for some tips to get the best use out of your robotic vacuum.

Using a robotic vacuum is a growing craze. To be honest, it makes you feel like you’re accomplishing so much more. It’s one less chore that you have to do, and it’s a beautiful thing to not have to carry your vacuum around. Unfortunately, what they don’t tell you is that you still have some work to do. Read on for some tips and information from DealDash regarding robotic  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Organizes in January


It’s official! The holidays are over and it’s time to clean up. Here are some cleaning suggestions from DealDash.

Everyone knows about spring cleaning, but a thorough cleaning in January just might be even more important. Your house is cluttered with old toys, new gifts, decorations, and more food than you can handle. Read these ideas from DealDash and then get started.

Put Away the Tree and Decorations

Start your new year by taking down the decorations from Christmas and trying to find their place. It’s amazing how much more space you’ll have when the decorations are put away. Next,  — Read full post