
DealDash Cooks: Make Amazing Cupcakes

When you feel the urge for dessert, make amazing cupcakes. Here are some tips from DealDash to get you started.

Everyone loves having dessert once in a while.  While there are many desserts available, homemade cupcakes are one of the best. Want to make amazing cupcakes? Read on for tips and information from DealDash.

What Makes Cupcakes So Delicious?

Firstly, we need to figure out what it is that makes cupcakes so delicious. Looking over some recipes, unfortunately, it seems that sugar and butter are some of what makes tasty cupcake treats. There are alternatives to these, such as using  — Read full post

Budget/Frugal Cooking

DealDash Cooks: Start Canning Your Veggies

Many people have had extra time to dedicate to their gardens this year. If you’d like to know a little more about canning your veggies read on for tips from DealDash.

Canning and preserving food has enjoyed a resurgence due to more people spending more time at home. Also, if you have devoted extra time to your garden this year you may have more veggies than you can eat! Read this new DealDash article on canning your veggies to get some tips and suggestions.  — Read full post

Lifestyle Outdoors

DealDash Prepares for Bad Weather

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Dealing with bad weather can happen in any part of the country. DealDash has some suggestions on how to help.

October and November are bad weather months for many parts of the country. From hurricanes to snowstorms, we all should be prepared for bad weather. When the power goes out and your home grows cold it can be very stressful. There are some ways to prepare for bad weather that you should know about. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Be Prepared with a Plan

To begin with, it can be difficult to know exactly when bad weather is  — Read full post

Kitchen Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Tips to Enjoy Halloween in 2020


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Halloween is coming up soon, and sadly it’s going to look a lot different this year. Don’t worry, your family can still enjoy Halloween in 2020 with these suggestions from DealDash.

Being able to enjoy Halloween this year is going to take a bit more effort and thinking ahead than in previous years. In my town, they aren’t even deciding until October 15th if socially distanced trick or treating is allowed. That is why this year, prep work will be crucial to help your family enjoy Halloween. Here are some suggestions to help your family have a great Halloween  — Read full post


DealDash Decor: Creative Video Game Storage

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People of all ages are playing video games now, it’s not just for kids! What will you do about video game storage? DealDash can help.

Years ago, video games were mostly for kids, teens, and young adults. Now that there are games out for people of all ages to enjoy, you might want to keep your console and games on display. Instead of being in the basement or kid’s room, you can use these ideas from DealDash to think of some creative video game storage solutions.

Video Game Storage: DealDash Has Wall Units

Firstly, if you have a smaller home  — Read full post