
DealDash’s Tips for Surviving the Winter Season

We are now officially snow-deep into the winter season. Not your favorite season? Here are some tips to help you out.

Winter can be a difficult time of year: shorter days, colder temperatures, and an overall feeling of gloominess. But it doesn’t have to be so bad. With the right mindset, proper planning, and a few helpful tips, you can make it through winter with your sanity intact! Read on for five ways you can survive the winter season, with a bit of help from DealDash. — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Family: Spend Time Together in January

The new year has barely started, have you and your family developed cabin fever yet? Let DealDash help you think of ways to get outside with the fam!

January is a time when many people feel the winter blues. It’s cold, dark and there may even be snow on the ground. This can lead to cabin fever or feeling isolated with your family in the house all day long. The best way to combat this is by getting outside and having fun together as a family! DealDash has compiled this list of 10 fun family activities that you can do  — Read full post


Let’s Go Outdoors with DealDash

The weather might be cold and blustery, but it’s still fun to go outdoors. Here are some suggestions for getting out and active, from DealDash.

Many people might not want to go outdoors when the weather is a little chilly, but you shouldn’t let that stop you! You can have a lot of fun and get some exercise by choosing to go outdoors. Use these suggestions from DealDash to get moving in January.

Go Outdoors with Gear from DealDash

Getting ready to go outdoors and get active requires a little more preparation than in the warmer weather. Of course, it  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Organizes in January


It’s official! The holidays are over and it’s time to clean up. Here are some cleaning suggestions from DealDash.

Everyone knows about spring cleaning, but a thorough cleaning in January just might be even more important. Your house is cluttered with old toys, new gifts, decorations, and more food than you can handle. Read these ideas from DealDash and then get started.

Put Away the Tree and Decorations

Start your new year by taking down the decorations from Christmas and trying to find their place. It’s amazing how much more space you’ll have when the decorations are put away. Next,  — Read full post


DealDash Looks Forward to January

DealDash January

T.S. Eliot is known to have said that “April is the cruelest month.” Though some people would argue that it’s January. Let’s think of some things to look forward to in January.

“What’s good about January?” You might ask. Well, aside from celebrating a fine new year, there are many nice things about January. Many amazing people were born in January, including Paul Revere, Joan of Arc, Nicholas Cage, Edger Allen Poe, and my very own little baby, who turns 1 year old this January!

In addition to some amazing people being born in January, there is also the mild  — Read full post