Home Kids and Parenting

DealDash Redecorates a Gender Neutral Child’s Room


If your child is ready to upgrade their bedroom, it’s easy. Let DealDash help you decorate their new room.

Redecorating your child’s bedroom doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be fun for both of you. Be sure to talk to them beforehand and get some input from them. Ask them what colors they might like to paint the room, and if they would like a theme. If they want a theme, then you need to read this article from DealDash.

Animal Friends for All, DealDash Can Help

To begin with, I know that sometimes there just aren’t enough  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Summer Fun for Kids Suggestions


Summer is just about here! Your kids are going to be bored, here are DealDash’s fun suggestions for activities.

Summer has (almost) officially reached full swing and it’s time to consider what to do with the family. There are limited options for summer camps or vacations due to social distancing. So, we wanted to look at a few ways that you can spend positive time with your kids. Read on for some suggestions from DealDash.

Family Book Club

This may seem crazy, but it’s amazing how much reading can bring a family together. Find a book that your youngest reader  — Read full post


DealDash Cooks: Lots of Veggies for Kids


Vegetables are healthy for everyone, especially growing kids. Here are some ways to increase the veggie consumption in your house, from DealDash.

Each and every parent wants their kids to be healthy, of course. However, getting them to do things like eat more vegetables can be difficult and time-consuming. Here are some suggestions from DealDash to get your kids excited about vegetables.

Kids in the Kitchen

First, to get your kids excited about veggies, let them take some ownership. You can involve your child in not only meal planning but also meal preparation. People, especially kids, dislike thinking that they  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Struggling With Schoolwork?


Homeschooling is very challenging – especially if you weren’t prepared. Help your child if they’re struggling with these tips from DealDash.

Let’s face it, very few parents who are now homeschooling their children were prepared for it. In fact, many kids who are normally excellent students are now struggling with their assignments at home. Here are a few things that you can do as a parent to help make schoolwork go a little easier for your child, from DealDash.

Use Their Teacher’s Office Hours and Email

Firstly, you can talk to your child’s teacher, most teachers have set “office hours”  — Read full post

Cooking Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Are You Really Connecting?


You might be with your kids 24/7 now, but are you really connecting? Here are some suggestions from DealDash to keep your bond close.

Most of the country is still on a stay-at-home order, so if you have kids, you are with them constantly. Physical closeness is one thing, and emotional closeness is another, though. Read this new article from DealDash for ways to really connect with your child while we are all at home together.

Eat All of Your Meals Together

First off, a great thing about social distancing is that many families are now able to eat all  — Read full post