DealDash Kids: Start the Year with Healthy Snacks


School is starting soon, let’s start the year off right with healthy snacks. DealDash has suggestions.

If your kids are like mine, they are excited to start school soon. They miss their friends and yes, even their teachers. However, like most families, we have gotten into a few unhealthy eating habits. DealDash is here to offer some ideas to help get back on track with some healthy snacks. Read on for the details.

Crispy and Crunchy

To begin with, the texture is an important part of choosing a snack. Many times when people reach for chips as a snack they are just craving a crispy or crunchy texture. You will be happy to know that most fresh vegetables and healthy cereals can provide this crunchy texture. All this without all of the excess fat and calories. Next time your children want a crunchy snack, instead of reaching for the chips, see if you can interest them in some cereal for a healthy snack instead. Which cereals are the healthiest? Just click this link to check out a slideshow on the Good Housekeeping site.

Make it Easy

Next, another reason that people (especially kids) fail to choose healthy options is because they are usually more time-consuming. Just think – what’s easier, grabbing a bag of fruit snacks or taking the time to wash, peel, and cut up actual fruit? To make fruit be an easy option you just have to think (and wash!) ahead. I try to always keep a variety of washed, peeled, and cup up fruits and veggies in the fridge for my kids. This way it’s very easy for them to just grab them when they are hungry.

I have noticed that when I don’t replenish the “already ready” fruits and veggies my kids tend to grab less healthy options rather than come ask me to prepare the fruit/veggies and then have to wait for me to come and help them. They are like little sharks – when they are hungry they want to eat N-O-W!

Healthy Snacks with Help From DealDash

If you need any kitchen items to make healthy snacks, DealDash can help you. You will find knives and cutlery, cutting boards, small appliances, and more. You will see a great selection of high-quality items to choose from. Check out the Kitchen and Dining Category for knives, pans, and more.

Thanks for Reading

Keep all the tips from DealDash in mind when you are planning healthy snacks for your family. Thanks for reading the newest blog article. I hope that you found this DealDash article on healthy snacks helpful. We have a new article here on DealDash Reviewed twice per week. It could be cooking, family, crafting, health, or lifestyle. Check back every day to see what the article of the day is on DealDash Reviewed. Thanks for reading!

If you need any kitchen items to make healthy snacks, DealDash can help you. Check out the Kitchen and Dining Category for knives, pans, and more. You’re sure to find something great. Have fun and happy bidding everyone!

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This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Come see Dawn and her cats on Instagram. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.