
DealDash Dogs: Advanced Tricks


If you enjoyed the DealDash article on basic dog tricks, then you definitely need to read this one on advanced dog tricks.

Everyone knows that a dog is a loyal companion, always there to give you puppy dog eyes and a head to pat, but they are actually very smart animals and can learn to do more than “sit” and “stay.” In this DealDash article we’ll look at some more advanced tricks that you can teach your best friend on four legs how to master and be the king (or queen) of the dog park.

Kissy Kissy

  1. Most dogs will
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DealDash Visits the Farm

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Visiting your local farm in October can be a lot of fun. There are usually many fun family activities.

Family activities at your local farm can range from picking apples, hay bale mazes, face-painting, apple cider donuts, and so much more. It’s also very appropriate to visit your local farm in October, because October is National Farm to School Month.

Farm to School Month is a great opportunity for kids to find out where out food really comes from. If you aren’t familiar with Farm to School the basic idea is that  through cooperation with the school system and local  — Read full post


Doing Fall Chores with DealDash

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Everyone thinks to do the obvious fall chores such as leaf-raking and gutter-cleaning, but what about the lesser thought of chores…

Now that we are very firmly planted into fall, it’s time to do a few different chores inside and outside the house to prepare for winter. There are the obvious fall chores that we usually think of, but there are lots of other chores that might just slip your mind until it’s too late in the season to do them. Here is a quick list of some of the lesser thought of fall chores that you might want to  — Read full post


DealDash and Running Accessories

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There are many new, fun, and exciting running accessories out on the market recently. Let’s take a look at them, and see if they are things that you need in your life.

One of the great things about having running as your hobby is that you don’t need any special equipment other than a good pair of shoes. However, there are a lot of new and fun items on the market that you can try out and see if they improve your running sessions. Now remember, you don’t need these items, but they can make you life a little more  — Read full post


Fall is Here! DealDash Does Yard Work

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Fall is upon us, and in most parts of the US that means it’s time for yard work!

No matter if your yard is big or small, if you have even one tree that means you will have some yard work to do this season. Of course, most people who have a yard have more than one there, and therefore more yard work to accomplish. Even if you don’t have any trees, don’t worry, there’s yard work for you to do as well! Here are a few of the common tasks that you should be doing in the fall to  — Read full post