
DealDash’s Ultimate Guide to Family Road Trips

Road trip season is coming. Last week we explored some international destinations. This week we will look at some road trips for your family.

Family road trips are a unique opportunity to bond, discover new places, and create lasting memories. The journey itself can be as rewarding as the destination if you choose the right places to visit, pack wisely, and have a plan to keep everyone entertained. This guide will help you prepare for an unforgettable family road trip. Read on for some tips and suggestions from DealDash. — Read full post

Lifestyle Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Makes the Most of the End of Summer

Don’t despair, there are still a few weeks of summer left. Got any plans?

Summer is winding down and before you know it, the leaves will start changing color and the days will get shorter. It might be the end of summer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself a little longer. Here are a few ideas on how to make the most of the rest of your summer, from DealDash.

End of Summer Road Trip

One great way to spend the remaining days of summer is by taking a road trip. It doesn’t have to be a long  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Summer Road Tripping

A car trip can be a great way to spend quality time with your family, but sometimes it’s hard keeping everyone entertained. Here are some tips for making the most of those hours on our road trips, from DealDash.

A long road trip can be a challenge for anyone, but school-aged kids are especially affected. As the parent, you need to keep their minds active with games in the car! If you have two adults in the car, this isn’t a problem. However, if you are the only adult in the car it can be more challenging. Here are some  — Read full post


MORE DealDash Budget Tips for Frugal Road Trips


School will be out in a few weeks, and it’s a great time to plan a road trip. Here are some tips from DealDash to stay on budget and have fun.

Everyone needs a break once and awhile, and with summer coming up it is the perfect time to take a trip. Instead of taking the average train or airplane, you should stick to your family car. A road trip will allow you to create a trip of a lifetime. You would also see the country and the beautiful scenery at a slower pace.  Going on a road trip does  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Lifestyle

DealDash Frugal Family Road Trips


Family road trips are a popular thing to do in the summer. Here are some tips from DealDash to keep your budget in check.

With summer break quickly approaching you are likely thinking of things to do with your kids. Taking a road trip could be quite the adventure and here are some tips to be able to take a trip like this even if you happen to be on a budget. Here are some tips for a fun family road trip on the cheap, from DealDash.

Bring a Cooler of Snacks and Drinks

Make sure that you take a  — Read full post