
DealDash Invests in Self-Care This February

February is the month of love. So why not love yourself this year with some additional self-care this month?

February is a month of love, but it’s also important to show some much-needed love to ourselves, too. Taking time for ourselves can often be put last on our list of priorities due to the hectic life of modern-day living, however taking time out for our own self-care is not only beneficial for our physical and mental well-being, but it can also have a positive effect on our relationships with others. So this February, why not set aside some time to  — Read full post

Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Ponders New Year’s Resolutions

Do you make resolutions for the new year? If you’re looking for some suggestions, check this out!

The new year is upon us, and that means it’s time to start thinking about our resolutions. Whether you’re looking to get in shape, save money, or just make some positive changes in your life, DealDash can help. Read on for some tips and ideas on how to use DealDash to make your New Year’s resolutions a reality. Who knows, maybe you’ll even be able to check off a few items from your list before the year is over! — Read full post

Health Wellness

DealDash Drinks More Water: Increase Your Daily Intake

Every living creature needs water. Are you getting enough?

It’s no secret that water is essential for human life. Every cell in our body needs water to function properly, and we can’t go more than a few days without it before we start to feel the effects. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that we’re drinking enough each day. If you’re like most people, you probably don’t drink as much as you should. The recommended daily intake of water is eight glasses, but many people fall short of that. If you’re looking to increase your intake, DealDash has  — Read full post


DealDash Suggests Getting Exercise and Fresh Air


It’s important to get some fresh air even if you can’t go out to the park or the lake with friends. Read this article from DealDash for some tips.

We understand that the quarantine may be getting to be a bit much for everyone. Getting some fresh air is great for your body and your mind. So, we’d like to offer a few tips on how you can get outside without putting yourself in harm’s way. DealDash has your suggestions below.

Got a Deck or Porch? DealDash Can Help Spruce it Up

The safest way is to go outside without  — Read full post

Fitness Health

DealDash Helps Work on Your Fitness at Home


Staying at home doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your fitness routine. You just have to adjust it. Here are some suggestions from DealDash to help.

Everyone nowadays is looking for ways in which they can improve their overall wellness and health without going to the gym or doing group activities. There are so many different things that can be done at home or outdoors by yourself to get into better shape and feel great. Here are some simple things that you can do to work on your fitness, from DealDash.

Sleep is Imperative

When we are  — Read full post