
DealDash Snow Tips this Winter

Living in the North means dealing with snow. You need these snow removal tips from DealDash.

Winter is here in full force, and for many of us, that means snow. DealDash has a few snow tips that will make your winter a little more pleasant this year. Read this article, stay warm, and Happy February!

Snow Tips #1 – DealDash Tools

The first thing that you will want to make sure you have when it snows is the right tools for the job. Now, if you are reading this and there is already a foot of snow on the ground,  — Read full post

Fitness Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash’s Winter Fitness Ideas

Even though it’s winter, trying to keep fit is important. Read on for some winter fitness ideas from DealDash.

Winter is here and you probably aren’t spending as much time outside getting exercise. Fitness doesn’t take a winter break, and it’s important to try to keep up with a fitness routine in the winter. There are lots of activities out there, so here are a few ideas to get you started, from DealDash.

Winter Fitness Idea #1: Hiking

Firstly, as long as it isn’t actively snowing, raining, or sleeting, hiking can be a fun winter fitness activity. There are lots  — Read full post

Fitness Health

Living a Healthy Lifestyle With DealDash


Even though it’s cold outside you can still keep up with your fit and healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips to stay fit from DealDash.

If you are like many people you still want to stick with your healthy lifestyle even through the winter. Here are some simple tips that can get you started in the right direction, from DealDash.

Stand More, Sit Less

You should consider doing more standing if you want to keep fit. Studies show that people who sit for long periods during the day are less fit than those that stand throughout the day. If you  — Read full post

Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Saves: Examine Your Heating Budget


Now that it’s so chilly out it is a great time to examine your heating budget. Save money on heat, stay warm and toasty with these ideas from DealDash.

Now that the season is in full swing with snow and ice, you need to start thinking about heating your home for the winter. Unfortunately, this becomes incredibly expensive, especially if you live in a colder climate. Here are a few ways you can save on heating your home this winter, from DealDash.

Seal Windows and Cracks

You might not realize it, but you lose a lot of heat through your  — Read full post

Outdoors Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash’s Winter Snow Removal Tips


Burrrr! If you’re in the Northeast you experienced some snow last week. Here are some snow removal tips from DealDash.

Winter is coming. For some parts of the country, it has already arrived. We want to offer you a few key tips that will make your snow removal a little easier this year. Read on for some helpful tips and information from DealDash.

Don’t “Put It Off” Til Later

More important than any other tip – do not let the snow build up before shoveling. I was once told that anyone who says that you should wait to shovel until  — Read full post