DealDash’s Speed Cleaning Tips


Cleaning up can be a chore. Why not make it go faster with speed cleaning? Let DealDash give you some tips.

Let’s face it, taking care kids is tiring so no mom (or dad) wants to spend a great deal of their time cleaning the house. This goes double for you kind grandparents out there that help out by taking care of the grandkids. Considering all the other things that you need to do during your day, cleaning ranks pretty far down on the list. Here are some speed cleaning tips to help busy parents or grandparents get their home straightened quickly. This way they can take care of other things. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Clean as You Go (Now That’s Fast)


If you are able to, cleaning as you go is one of the best speed cleaning tips that you can pick up. All you need to remember is to clean and pick up after yourself and your kids as you are doing other things. If you are great a multitasking this should be no problem. However, if you are not it may take a little time to get used to but it can be done.

Split the Cleaning Up

Don’t feel like you need to clean your entire home in one day. Split up the chores that need to be done over a couple of days. You will find that it will seem like the work goes much faster. This is a smart tip for busy moms that get a little overwhelmed with too many things to do during the day. Taking care of the kids is hard work and they need constant attention. Luckily the cleaning can wait until the next day if you have too many activities to accomplish.

Have the Correct Supplies on Hand

You also want to make sure that you always have the proper cleaning supplies on hand for cleaning. It can take what seems like forever to clean when you have to get your kids ready to go to the store to get what you need to be able to clean your home. Buy in bulk so you have to go to the store less often. Keep things organized and put things on the shopping list when you see you are going to run out of them soon.

Make Checklists

Developing a checklist of things that need to be done daily and weekly is a great way to get things picked up quickly. You simply come up with a schedule of when you are going to do each task and you will find that your home will be cleaned in no time at all. If you can get into a regular cleaning schedule you can eliminate the checklists, but they are a good idea to use when you are first starting out.


Thanks for Reading

Finally, thanks a lot for reading the newest DealDash article on speed cleaning. When you are a busy mom cleaning your home can be a daunting task. Keep these speed cleaning tips in mind. You will find that cleaning your home will be a much simpler task to complete.

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Ready to speed clean?  Check DealDash for cleaning supplies first. DealDash has many items for you. Visit DealDash now. DealDash wants to help you feel better. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.