DealDash Decorates: Your Child’s Room


Babies grow into kids, is it time to re-do the nursery? Let DealDash give you some suggestions.

Did you have every last detail picked out for your child’s room when they were a baby? Are they getting a little too old for the baby theme? Does your child want to have a little more say in how their bedroom is decorated? It just might be time to do a little personalizing to their room. Here are a few simple tips that will help you be able to create a space that both you and your child will be happy with. Read more information below, from DealDash.

Personalize it!

Make use of their name and initials when it comes to adding a personal touch to their bedroom. You can do a great deal of things like get vinyl stickers, drawings, or any number of things to illustrate their name and initials in their bedroom. What child wouldn’t want to walk into their room and see their name all over the place? It really gives them a sense that this is their spot. There are many places online that you can order personalized items for your child. 

Bedroom? No, Art Gallery!

Have your little artist decorate. Are you seemingly running out of places to put all of the artwork your little artists create? Well then have them turn their room into their own personal art gallery. You can make sure that you place their artwork in some cool frames and display them all around their room. Again, it is a great way for your child to be able to claim their own space. 

If you would like to do a small project with your child for their room, head to the craft store. Pick up some string and mini-clothespins. You can paint the clothespins any colors that your child likes. Next, put them on the string and attach the string to the wall. You can attach any of their works of art to the clothespins.

Make an Accent Wall

If you are not really ready to give up the colors that you picked out for their room when they were an infant, you can let them select a color for an accent wall. Giving them the choice of color for the accent wall leaves the colors that you like while giving them the opportunity to make a personal choice for their room. It’s a win, win situation! Better yet, choose 3 or 4 colors that you think would look nice as an accent wall and let them choose from those colors. It will make both of you happy.

New Decor from DealDash

Now that your child is getting older they might like to pick out some of their own decor from DealDash for you to get them. DealDash has a lot of items that appeal to all age groups such as fun clocks, statues, paintings, and even nightlights if they are still using one.

Thanks for Reading

Keep these things in mind when you are looking to re-decorate your child’s room and you will find that the process will go a whole lot easier. As you can see there are some really simple steps that you can take to personalize your child’s room. Since it’s really nothing drastic you can help your child create a space that you can both agree on.  

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This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.