Being Thankful, With DealDash

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I post a lot about being thankful because I am so very thankful for every day. All of us should take the time to be thankful for the little things.

With all of the bad things that we hear on the news and read online sometimes the world seems like a scary place. If you stop and think, though, there are so many wonderful things that happen every day we should try and concentrate on the good things in life instead of the bad ones. Here is an entire DealDash article dedicated to some awesome things in life.

Family. My kids and my husband are always at the very top of any list about being thankful. No matter how sad or down I can get sometimes my family can always cheer me up. Just today I was feeling sad, and my 5 year old daughter came over to me and handed me a drawing of our family and said “Here, if you ever miss me, just look at this!” See? How can I be sad after that interaction?

Emotions. Happy, lonely, excited, sad, jubilant – no matter what emotion you are feeling at the moment it’s great to feel alive. No matter what emotion you are feeling in the moment it will be a different feeling and emotion by the next day. How exciting!

Books and Movies. Isn’t it nice to be able to escape for a few hours into a good book or movie? You can travel back in time, to space, underwater, or just about anywhere that you would like to explore with a book or a movie.

Animals and Pets. Cuddling a warm furry dog, cat, or bunny can be very therapeutic. It’s been scientifically proven that having a pet can lower your blood pressure, anxiety, and more. This even includes non-cuddly pets such as fish or lizards. If you can’t own a pet yourself and you love animals, maybe you could visit a dog park and look at the dogs playing, volunteer at an animal shelter, or spend time at an aquarium.

Naps. When the stars magically align and I’m able to take a nap – it’s a good as a present! After doing some research on naps, it seems like 20-30 minutes is the optimum length for a nap. Shorter just isn’t worth it, but any longer and you run the risk of getting into REM sleep. If you are woken up during REM sleep you will wake up groggier and more tired than you were before you took a nap.

DealDash. I always list DealDash as a thing that I am thankful for in my lists. DealDash provides entertainment, great deals, and happy feelings when I participate in auctions. DealDash auctions are definitely something to be thankful for! Go check out DealDash and see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!Image result for so thankful