Lifestyle Wellness

DealDash Takes a Quick Mental Break

Has life been getting you down lately? Read these tips and tricks from DealDash for taking a mental break without leaving home!

Reading this article will provide you with a few questions that you can utilize to develop a small mental vacation. Sometimes it’s hard to keep your head up in the face of such a crazy world. We are all so busy with work, family life, friends, etc., that it can be difficult to find time for yourself – but you’re not alone! DealDash has put together some tips on how to take care of ourselves when there doesn’t  — Read full post

Lifestyle Wellness

DealDash – Think Positively in the New Year

This has been a rough year for all of us. Let’s all try to think positively in the new year. Here are a few suggestions how, from DealDash.

Let’s face it – this year has been really tough on everyone. However, there is a new year coming up just around the corner. Hopefully, we can all try to think positively in the new year. There are a few things that you can do to add more positivity to your life. Read on for some tips to help you think positively, from DealDash.

Count Your Blessings

Firstly, I know that  — Read full post

Health Wellness

DealDash Health – Drink Water in Winter

Drinking water, even in winter, is important for your health. Read on for some suggestions, from DealDash

Even though it’s cold and snowy out, it’s still important for your health to drink water in winter. There are tons of health and fitness benefits that you can get by getting enough of this healthy beverage. It can be hard to drink enough water in winter, but we have some tips for you. Read on for more information from DealDash.

How Much Water in Winter?

Firstly, I’m sure that we can all agree that water is important to stay hydrated and feel  — Read full post


Have a Relaxing Day – with DealDash


Things have been stressful lately. Here are some suggestions from DealDash to help you unwind and relax.

Sometimes we all have bad days. It seems like there have been a lot of those, lately. However, more important than having a bad day is how you react to it. You can either accept that you’re having a bad day, or you can try to relax and treat yourself kindly. Follow these suggestions from DealDash and turn your bad day into something a little better.

Get a Little Exercise

To begin with, a little light exercise can help brighten your mood. Exercise  — Read full post


Get Better Sleep – Let DealDash Help


Staying up late and not getting enough sleep can make you feel terrible. Read this new DealDash article and find out how to get better sleep.

If you have been working from home, taking care of kids, and still trying to get in a little “me time”, you probably have been sacrificing some sleep. More and more people are having difficulty sleeping these days. There are a few things that you can do to help yourself get better sleep. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Make it a Routine

To start with, a routine can help you get more  — Read full post