DealDash Laundry Tips for 2020
Get your clothes clean and smelling great. Just use these tips from DealDash!
Laundry can be a tedious process. It’s something that is a universal requirement. Everyone does the laundry, but there really aren’t any people that I know who actually enjoy doing laundry. So, we thought we’d try to offer some tips to make things a bit easier for you. Read on for ideas from DealDash.
Get a Pre-Treatment Area Set-Up
Start with a pre-treating set-up. If you have space, you can make it a separate area where you’ve got a table set up to work on things. If you’re anything like me, you don’t have that kind of space available. Instead, we have a pre-treatment shelf. This has all of the stuff that we could use to get rid of pesky stains. With that, it’s easy to find what you need. Pre-treat your clothing, leave it on the washer or dryer and throw it in with the next load that you have to do.
Take It Step-By-Step
Next, when possible, I look to divide the process up. Individually, none of the single steps of doing laundry is difficult. But when you put all of that together, it’s a process that takes hours. Instead, I try to divide it up. Start by having a way to separate your clothes; whether you have separate hampers for each thing or you have a divider that has 3 sections in one place. Depending on the load, I may also wait to fold the clothes.
Ask For Help
Also, dividing the process up doesn’t just apply to doing steps at different times. In a perfect world, I look to divide the chore up amongst multiple people. If I can throw clothes in the washer and have someone else get them to the dryer that frees my time up a bit. Another possibility (ok, dream scenario) is to have everyone pitch in on different days. In a household of 4 (2 adults and 2 age-appropriate kids/teenagers), having each person do a load of laundry each day would make this process almost pain-free.
Let DealDash Make Your Laundry Room Cozy
Finally, who wants to do laundry in a place that makes them feel uncomfortable? If your laundry room is in a dreary cold basement you can definitely improve your look on laundry by improving the space. DealDash can help you make your laundry room a cozy haven which will encourage you to spend more time there. Here is a quick list of things that you can bid or BIN (Buy It Now) from DealDash that can help:
- A Chair – Laundry can involve a lot of sitting around and waiting. Get yourself a chair so you can relax with a book or your phone while waiting for the laundry to finish. Click here.
- A Clock – There can be lots of steps in your laundry routine such as adding different detergent, stain fighters, softeners, etc. at certain points during the wash. A clock will help you with the timing and lower your laundry stress level. Click here.
- A TV – Who says you can’t enjoy watching your favorite show while you’re doing the laundry? If you are washing, drying, and folding multiple loads in a day sometimes it’s easier just to stay in the laundry room while you’re waiting for a load to finish drying. Skip the boredom by getting a smaller TV to mount to the wall. It will seem like your time just flies by when you have a TV to ease your laundry boredom. Click here.
Thanks for Reading
Completing your family’s laundry is important. These ideas for getting through the laundry process will help you get things done in a timely manner with the least trouble. Thanks so much for reading this DealDash article today.
Do you need laundry room decor? Go check DealDash for chairs, TVs, and more. DealDash also has decor for every room. Visit now to save. You’ll be glad you did! Have a great time and happy bidding everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.