DealDash Makes a Great Pizza


Everyone loves pizza. DealDash has some tips for making a great pizza at home.

Does your family want pizza but you prefer to stay at home? If you’re looking for a great way to prepare a pizza at home, DealDash is here to help. Here are some simple tips and information for making a delicious pizza at home.

Use Fresh Ingredients

Firstly, you could just get a pizza-making kit from the store. However, that isn’t going to taste as good as if you use fresh ingredients. You can buy pre-made dough from the bakery at the supermarket, or you can make some yourself. Making a sauce is simple, but if you prefer something a little easier you could cut down on a few steps by using tomato paste with canned and crushed tomatoes. Grating your own cheese is simple and will taste so much better than using the pre-shredded kind. And for the toppings, fresh mushrooms, peppers, and onions will taste awesome and add a fresh and healthy aspect to your pizza.

Use a Pizza Stone

Next, you can bake your pizza on a rack or cookie sheet, but you will have a better experience if you use a pizza stone. Be sure to pre-heat your pizza stone. It’s so easy, just place the pizza stone in the oven, and when it is at the same temperature as the kitchen then turn on the oven to the proper temperature. Be sure to let it reach room temperature before turning on the oven if it’s been somewhere cold like the fridge. This is because rapid warming can cause the stone to crack. After the stone is preheated you can take it out of the oven, place the pizza ingredients on it, and then bake as directed.

Get Kitchen Supplies to Make Pizza on DealDash

Finally, if you’re serious about making a great pizza, you need the proper tools. You will need either a baking sheet, a pizza stone, or a pizza shovel. You can get these items and other cooking implements on DealDash. Just click here for pizza items. If you’re not sure what you need for the kitchen then you need to browse the Kitchen and Dining Category. Just click here. 

Thanks for Reading

These tips will help you be prepared when you make a pizza at home. Thanks for reading the newest blog article. I hope that you found this DealDash article on making a great pizza at home interesting.

If you need any kitchen items DealDash can help you. Check out the Kitchen and Dining Category. You will find pizza supplies and more. Bid and save on common household supplies. Have fun and happy bidding everyone!



This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.