DealDash Pets: 4 Tips for Dog Training


Dog training can be tricky. DealDash is here to help you with your pup!

Having a dog is a lot of responsibility, and training a dog can be a complicated process. Some breeds catch on quickly to training and others not so much. It is important to train your dog so he can behave well. An out of control dog can cause a lot of havoc. Here are four easy ways to train your dog, from DealDash.

Tell Doggie Exactly What to Do

Simply telling your dog “No” is not enough when you are training him. Being more specific when a dog does something wrong has a more positive effect. For example, if your dog tends to jump on you or other people, tell him to sit instead of saying no. This will help avoid any confusion. Just like young children, dogs respond better to positive commands rather than negative attention.

Be Consistent With Pup

Part of training your dog is being consistent with him. Your dog will not obey your commands if you don’t remind him.  Make sure that all of your family members are on the same page when it comes to training your dog.  You don’t want one family member giving him the wrong command and you give him a different one. Repetition is key. If your family members need reminding on what the commands are, how do you think your dog feels?

Be Realistic With Doggo

It is going to take some time for your dog to change its behavior. Curbing normal dog behaviors such as jumping, barking, and digging will take some time.  You also have to take into consideration how long your dog has been doing the same thing such as jumping on people.  The more patience you have, the easier it will be to train your dog. It is never too late to change a dog’s behavior. It just might take a little extra time and patience.

Give Your Dog Treats

Giving your dog treats can help reinforce his good behavior.  You probably don’t give your dog treats all the time, so rewarding him when he is good will help your dog learn better behaviors.  Just remember that your dog should only get the treat for good behavior, not the other way around. Be sure that the treats are something extra yummy – who wants a dry biscuit when you could have a meaty treat?

Thanks for Reading

It will take some time to train your dog and to get him to listen.  Although it may be a stressful process, your dog’s behavior will change for the better if you stay patient, kind, and persistent.

I hope that you found this DealDash article on dog training helpful. If you have any tips for pets and their owners please share them below in a comment.

DealDash has plenty of pet auctions with items for dogs, cats, and other animals. DealDash has a great selection. Visit DealDash now to check out the auctions. Have fun on DealDash, and happy bidding everyone!


 This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.