DealDash Gets Ready for Spring Cleaning

DealDash Spring CleaningIt’s not quite Spring yet, but it’s never too early to get started on your spring cleaning. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to help you get started.

Depending on where you are, your lawn, driveway, and house might still be buried in snow. But that’s outside! It’s not too early to start your Spring cleaning inside. Here are some tips, tricks, and ideas from DealDash to make your Spring cleaning a success.


I know you’re excited to get everything clean, but whatever you do, don’t clean your welcome mats yet! According to that pesky groundhog, there’s at least another month of so of Winter. If you live in an area where you have snow, slush, ice, and salt then hold off on cleaning those mats for a bit longer.

Clean or Replace Those Air Filters

Your air filters have been hard at work all winter filtering your air. It’s time to either change them out if you have disposable ones or wash them out if you have re-usable ones. Air quality inside your home is very important, and this doesn’t take very long to do.

Have the Air Ducts Cleaned

Have you had your air ducts cleaned recently? According to the experts, you should have this done every three to five years. Having the air ducts cleaned helps keep the allergens out of the air and help you breathe a little easier.

Fixtures and Fans

Now would be a good time to go around and give all of your light fixtures and fan blades a good dusting. Next, it’s easy to forget to do this regularly since they are on the ceiling and not eye-level, but it’s important to try and do this. Ideally, you should be doing this monthly, but it’s understandable if you don’t get to it every single month. Now is a great time to do them all at once.

Window Sills

You’ll need to give your window sills and insides of your windows a good cleaning after the winter is over. You should use the kid-safe cleaner that we talked about on the blog at this link HERE, to kill and prevent any mold growth. Mold is extremely unhealthy and needs to be taken care of right away.

I hope that you found this new DealDash article on Spring cleaning ideas helpful. Read the DealDash Reviews and our sister blog DealDash Tips to stay “in the know!!”

If you are shopping for a sculpture, clock, or art piece, check DealDash first. DealDash has it all! Visit DealDash now. DealDash wants to make your home more beautiful. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

dealdash quick cleaning ideas

This blog was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.