DealDash Takes a Day to Relax

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Everyone needs a day to relax and recharge. Here are a few simple ideas to help you get the most out of your day off.

Unfortunately in this busy-busy-go-go-go world we sometimes ignore our body’s whispered pleadings for rest. Tired, unrested, stressed-out, and overworked people don’t perform well at home or on the job. People pleasers will sacrifice their own precious downtime thinking they are benefitting their co-workers and family members, but in truth they detract from productivity at the office, and harmony in the home. All people should try to make sure that they get rest and time to recuperate so they can be their best selves. Here are a few ideas to get you started on a day of rest and relaxation.

A short nap can feel like a mini-vacation. Sadly, you need to keep it very short – 20 to 30 minutes maximum. Anything over 30 minutes takes you into deep sleep, and makes you groggy. No one says that you can only take one nap per day, though! If you’re going for a full day of rest and relaxation, take one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

If a short nap (or two!) isn’t for you, then here is something just as relaxing. Try the simplest, shortest (and one of the most restorative) activities available to you: deep breathing. For maximum relaxation, try taking five deep breaths. As breathe, try to take notice of the natural pause between your inhale and exhale, and then between your exhale and your next inhale. Your body has a built-in regulator. Once you have mastered taking five deep breaths, try for ten. Congratulations, you’re a deep breathing master!

Sitting quietly and thinking about life can be very relaxing. Try focusing on what you can and can’t control in your life. Try thinking about exactly what your concerns and problems are and then ask yourself if you personally have any control over them. If the answer is no (quite often the answer is no) then pretend you’re in “Frozen” and “let it go.” If the answer is yes, then think about some possible solutions to your problem.

If you can do any of the above activities while in a massage chair or in a nice hot bath, then all the better. There’s nothing like a massage or a hot bath to take away all of the stress and tension of the week.

Love to relax and de-stress? DealDash has massage chairs, handheld massagers, and foot massagers available for auction. If you need a massage tool, check DealDash first. Simply click this link here and go browse the auctions. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

Image result for schultz massage chair