Keeping Your Teeth Healthy With DealDash


Keeping your teeth healthy and strong is a great goal. Let DealDash keep those pearly whites healthy.

Having a beautiful smile typically means having nice teeth, and the way to achieve this is by taking care of them. There are a few key aspects of having healthy teeth, and DealDash would like to explain them to you. Read on for more information.

Brush Them, of Course!

Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. However, if you work outside of the home then that usually isn’t possible. At the least, you should brush your teeth in the morning when you wake, and in the evening before bedtime. Each of these teeth brushing sessions should be no shorter than 2 minutes in duration. Make sure that you get each and every tooth, and brush all sides of them – front, back, and biting surface.

Electric toothbrushes have really come a long way in the past few years. You should make it a priority to win one from DealDash. Electric toothbrushes do a much better job of brushing your teeth than you can manually.

Get Regular Dental Care

Few people enjoy going to the dentist, but if you want to keep your teeth in tip-top shape then you need to make the appointment. You should see a dentist for cleanings every 6 months. This is important to do because the dentist will scrape off the accumulated plaque that your toothbrush just can’t get. Secondly, dental cleanings are important because your dentist will be able to spot teeny, tiny cavities as they are just forming. Fixing a tiny cavity is significantly easier and less painful and time-consuming than fixing a big one.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

Drinking water is so healthy for many parts of the body, teeth included. Water is healthy for the gums, and can also help wash away small food particles that are stuck in your teeth.

There are many things on the “drink sparingly” list, such as sugary sodas, juices, and sweet tea. These drinks have so much sugar that can help cavities form on the teeth. Other drinks such as coffee and wine will stain the teeth, so be sure to rinse your mouth out after drinking them if you want to keep your teeth their whitest.

Everyone knows that eating candy is bad for your teeth, but what is healthy for your teeth? Crunchy vegetables! Vegetables such as raw carrots and celery, cucumbers, and broccoli are excellent for your dental health.

Thanks For Reading

Keeping your teeth healthy does not need to give you a headache. In fact, if you have a regular schedule of oral care it will make life much better. DealDash is here to help.

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Need a new electric toothbrush? Check DealDash for sonic toothbrushes. Visit DealDash now and see the dental items up for auction.Good luck and happy bidding everyone!DealDash


This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Read even more at, or on her own blog, DawnBlogtopus.