Kids and Parenting

DealDash’s Summer Break Fun for Kids

Summer break for school is just about here! Your kids will be bored after the first week, so DealDash has fun suggestions for activities.

Summer break has almost arrived, and it’s time to consider what to do with your kids this summer. There are limited options for summer camps this year, even though many have re-opened. Most kid’s camps and summer programs are accepting fewer kids this year. DealDash has a few suggestions for you can spend positive time with your kids.

Summer Break Family Swim Club

First, swimming is a very important skill for everyone to learn how to  — Read full post


DealDash Stays on Schedule This Summer

Staying on schedule, even in the summer, is important. It might be a little more difficult, especially if you have kids, but DealDash can help.

For the most part, staying on schedule in the winter is not very hard to do. Most people have work, the kids have school, and the trips, vacations, and spontaneous outings are few and far between. However, in the summer, all of that changes. The kids have three months to be filled with fun and activities, most people take a one or two week vacation, and even more people take a few Fridays off to  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing Kids and Parenting

DealDash Decorates Your Teen’s Room

Let’s face it – your preteen or teen isn’t a baby anymore. It’s time to upgrade their room to something more mature. DealDash is here to help you decorate your teen’s room.

When your child was little, did you choose everything for their room hoping they would think it was cute and perfect for them? If your preteen or teen would like to upgrade their room and more involved in the decoration of their room, why not let them? Maybe it’s time to organize your home, anyway, and find some old toys and clothing to donate. Here are some simple  — Read full post

Pets and Animals

DealDash: The Benefits of Pets

Having a pet is wonderful for many reasons. No matter if it’s a cat, a dog, a small animal, reptile, or fish – there are many benefits of pets. Here are just a few, from DealDash.

Keeping a pet is a wonderful experience, no matter which type you choose. Many people know that keeping a dog, cat, fish, reptile, or small animal is a huge responsibility. However, it also has many benefits. Many people don’t know how important it is to keep pets. You may be considering keeping a pet, but you don’t know if this is the right decision.  — Read full post


DealDash Does Vacation Budgeting

No one was able to take a vacation last year. However, this year, many people are choosing to take a trip. It’s time to think about budgeting.

Like most people, you probably canceled your vacation that you had planned last summer. However, most places have loosened up travel restrictions for vacationers. If you have decided that you want to go on a trip this year, you should begin your budgeting now. This way, you will be prepared, money-wise, for your trip later this summer. Here are some suggestions from DealDash to get you started.

Vacation Budgeting Destination

Before you even  — Read full post