Cleaning and Organizing Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Cleans – Spring Cleaning Time!

It might not feel like it quite yet – but spring is on the way! Spring cleaning is the perfect way to celebrate the change of seasons. Let DealDash help you make a plan for cleaning up.

The weather might still feel chilly, but it is slowly warming up. Daylight Savings Time is coming soon, on March 14th at 2 AM. You’ll have an extra hour of sun, and everything will be so much brighter after you give the house a good spring cleaning. DealDash has some suggestions for making your spring cleaning plans. Read on for some cleaning suggestions. — Read full post

Home Lifestyle

DealDash Crafts a Dedicated Space

Do you love crafting? You should have a dedicated space in your home. DealDash can help you make your thoughts and inspirations a reality. Read on for some suggestions.

If you consider yourself a serious crafter, you need to have a craft room – or at least a dedicated space. If you do not have space for a full-fledged craft room, it’s not a problem, simply establish a small space in your home to call your craft area. DealDash has some suggestions for making a dedicated craft space.

Find a Dedicated Space

Firstly, you need to choose where your new  — Read full post


DealDash Veggie Garden Game Plan

If you’re thinking about starting a veggie garden this year you need a game plan. Here are some great veggie suggestions for beginners, from DealDash.

Having a veggie garden is a great hobby for a few different reasons. Planting veggies is not only relaxing and fun, but it can also help you save on your grocery bill. It typically takes awhile for vegetables to grow, so having a game plan in advance is a good idea. Some veggies are better for planting if you are a begginer. If you are new to gardening, the following veggies to plant in your  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Simplifies with Quick Tips

Want to simplify your day-to-day life? Read this article for some quick tips from DealDash to simplify your life.

These days, many people often go through the day wondering where all their t has time has gone. If you are trying to work from home, homeschool your kids, or are an essential worker still going out every day, you are probably exhausted. Here are some very simple tips to help simplify your life, from DealDash.

Quick Tip 1: Reduce Clutter

Firstly, many of us feel exhausted trying to straighten, dust, and tidy so many items and knicknacks around the home.  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Kids: St. Patrick’s Day Fun

St. Patrick’s Day is just a couple of short weeks away. With lots of kids still learning at home, now is the time to plan some fun! Here are some tips to help, from DealDash.

Planning a fun St. Patrick’s Day is important these days. Many kids are still learning at home, which can be very monotonous and not very much fun. You need to plan a great day for everyone to be able to enjoy this holiday. Here are some ideas for planning a memorable St. Patrick’s Day, from DealDash.

St. Patrick’s Day Crafts

The first thing you definitely  — Read full post