Cleaning and Organizing Kids and Parenting

DealDash Decorates Your Teen’s Room

Let’s face it – your preteen or teen isn’t a baby anymore. It’s time to upgrade their room to something more mature. DealDash is here to help you decorate your teen’s room.

When your child was little, did you choose everything for their room hoping they would think it was cute and perfect for them? If your preteen or teen would like to upgrade their room and more involved in the decoration of their room, why not let them? Maybe it’s time to organize your home, anyway, and find some old toys and clothing to donate. Here are some simple  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Kids: St. Patrick’s Day Fun

St. Patrick’s Day is just a couple of short weeks away. With lots of kids still learning at home, now is the time to plan some fun! Here are some tips to help, from DealDash.

Planning a fun St. Patrick’s Day is important these days. Many kids are still learning at home, which can be very monotonous and not very much fun. You need to plan a great day for everyone to be able to enjoy this holiday. Here are some ideas for planning a memorable St. Patrick’s Day, from DealDash.

St. Patrick’s Day Crafts

The first thing you definitely  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: It’s Hobby Time!


Now more than ever, it’s important for kids to have a hobby. Here are some suggestions for why you should help them get started, from DealDash.

If your kids are anything like mine, they have been either in the house or backyard since March. This can be difficult for kids, and they need an outlet. This is a great reason why you should help your child find a hobby. There are lots of other reasons, too, so here are a few from DealDash.

A Way to Occupy the Time

As I mentioned above, a hobby is a great way to  — Read full post

Fitness Health

DealDash Kid’s Fitness Tips



Everyone has been encouraged to stay home for a while now, so your kids have probably been sitting around inside a lot lately. Here are some tips to get them up and moving, from DealDash.

There are many physical and mental health benefits of working out and staying active. Did you know that this also includes children, too? Physical activity can help you with your mood, and can also help you stay alert and active. Physical fitness and exercise habits will help your children stay fit and active their whole lives. Read on for some tips to help, from  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Prepares Kids for Back to School


In most communities, “Back to school” will probably look different this year. Here are some tips from DealDash to help prepare for anything.

We might still have about a month before school starts, but it’s important to be prepared, especially this year. Most places don’t actually know what “back to school” is going to look like, yet. This year might include in-person, online, or a hybrid learning model. However, parents want to be sure to help their kids make the transition back to school as successful as possible, no matter which way they end up going. Here are some tips  — Read full post