
DealDash Tech: Choose the Right Wireless Speakers

If you don’t have wireless speakers for your home, you’re missing out. If you’re considering getting some, you need to choose the right ones.

Many people are always looking for ways to upgrade their home entertainment experience. Wireless home speakers have become a popular trend as it enhances the audio/music listening experience of people. The market is full of different varieties and makes of wireless speakers. Hence, it becomes really challenging for an individual to make an appropriate purchase decision. In order to select the best wireless speaker, you need to decide where you are going to use it and  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting

DealDash Summer Road Tripping

A car trip can be a great way to spend quality time with your family, but sometimes it’s hard keeping everyone entertained. Here are some tips for making the most of those hours on our road trips, from DealDash.

A long road trip can be a challenge for anyone, but school-aged kids are especially affected. As the parent, you need to keep their minds active with games in the car! If you have two adults in the car, this isn’t a problem. However, if you are the only adult in the car it can be more challenging. Here are some  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing

DealDash Simplifies with Quick Tips

Want to simplify your day-to-day life? Read this article for some quick tips from DealDash to simplify your life.

These days, many people often go through the day wondering where all their t has time has gone. If you are trying to work from home, homeschool your kids, or are an essential worker still going out every day, you are probably exhausted. Here are some very simple tips to help simplify your life, from DealDash.

Quick Tip 1: Reduce Clutter

Firstly, many of us feel exhausted trying to straighten, dust, and tidy so many items and knicknacks around the home.  — Read full post


Working From Home? DealDash Has Office Essentials!


If you’re still working from home, you might have realized that you are missing some essential office items. Read this new article to find out about office essentials on DealDash.

When many people first began working from home back in March, we all thought that it was going to be a short-term experience. However, lots of people are still working from home, and many still don’t have the proper office equipment they need. If your job has provided everything, great! However, if you are working with the bare minimum, you need to read this article from DealDash.

Office Chairs on

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DealDash Helps Host Family Movie Night


Family movie night is one of my favorite times to spend with my husband and kids. DealDash has some fun ways to prepare for a movie night at your house.

No matter the ages and genders in your family, everyone can enjoy family movie nights. Everyone from the youngest kid all the way up to grandma and grandpa can all have a great time together watching a movie. There are some things that can make movie night better, of course. Here are some quick ideas, from DealDash.

Collect Some Goodies

To begin with, what is a movie night without some  — Read full post