
DealDash Goes to School

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Depending on where you live, today is a popular day for the first day of school. Here are some helpful hints for you and your kids.

In my area, today is the first day of school. Some kids love school, but others are a little more reluctant. My son, who is in second grade this year, is definitely one of the reluctant ones. School has been very tough for him, he has some learning disabilities, and has had to repeat a grade already. Since things are so tough, I have been working on some strategies to make life a little  — Read full post


DealDash Travels: Mystic, CT

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If you are looking for a fun trip to take with the kids (or even by yourself!) Mystic, CT is a great choice. There are lots of interesting attractions for young and old alike.

You might be familiar with Mystic, CT from the classic 1988 movie Mystic Pizza starring Julia Roberts. While Mystic does have excellent pizza, they also have a host of other fun and engaging activities for all ages.

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Mystic Aquarium – Let’s start out with my favorite, the Mystic Aquarium! The Mystic Aquarium is home to the North East’s only Beluga Whales. The photo above is my  — Read full post


DealDash Cooks: Hot & Sweet Pork

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Some sweet and spicy pork sounds delicious for dinner tonight. This recipe is delicious and also low in fat and calories.

Before I became more interested in cooking, whenever I heard “pork” I immediately thought “fattening.” Surprisingly, though, 3 ounces of pork is only around 200 calories. I am a big eater, though, so I probably eat twice that as a serving size. However, ounce for ounce it’s very similar to chicken, which I have always thought of as low in calories. This recipe has around 400 calories per serving, and around 13 grams of fat. Even more important than  — Read full post


5 End of Summer Ideas from DealDash

There is just a little bit of summer left before the kids go back to school, here are 5 things that you should do before summer is over.

It’s been a great summer, but all great things must come to an end…At least until next summer, anyway! Here are 5 things that you should definitely do before summer has officially come to an end.

  1. Go to the beach!! Have you been to the beach yet this year? If you haven’t, it’s definitely time to go. I personally haven’t been this summer, I stayed at home with my baby when
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DealDash Cooks: Kid’s Snacks

Kids love to snack between meals, but sometimes the easiest snack food is just not healthy. Here are some fast and fun snacks kids will love.

No matter if your kids are tiny or big, they all love to snack! Some of my kids favorite snacks are fruit snacks, chips, and other unhealthy things. To try to combat the unhealthy snacks I try to make healthier choices for them with an element of fun. Here are a few ideas for some healthy kid’s snacks.

Grape Dolphin – As you can see in the picture above, the Grape Dolphin is super  — Read full post