DealDash Teaches: It’s ADHD Month

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The picture above says it all – October is ADHD awareness month. Let’s learn more about ADHD.

To start off with, ADHD is nothing to be ashamed of – approximately 11% of children and 5% of adults in the US have been diagnosed with either ADHD or and ADD. They both refer to the same disorder, the only difference is that some people have hyperactivity and some people don’t. ADHD is not contagious, but it can be hereditary.

Some very common problems of someone with ADD (without hyperactivity) are:

  • trouble paying attention to details, as well as staying focused on tasks
  • difficulty following instructions as well as difficulty with organization
  • tendency to lose or simply forget things like toys, notebooks, or homework

Some very common problems of someone with ADHD (with hyperactivity) are:

  • fidgeting, squirming, and difficulty remaining seated
  • excessive running or climbing, inability to play quietly
  • excessive talking, as well as blurting out answers in class
  • difficulty waiting for a turn or in line
  • problems with interrupting or intruding

There is also a third type of ADHD, which is just a combination of the two types listed above. The people with this type have symptoms from both of the lists. Life at school and even at home can be very difficult for a child (or adult!) that has a form of ADHD.

Luckily, there are many different types of medications that can be used to combat this disorder. As my son’s doctor says – ADHD is one of the few disorders that can be almost completely fixed with the correct combination and doses of medication. Finding the correct medication and dose can be a difficult journey, though. My son has been struggling with this for years now, and is just now finding the correct medications for him.

It is definitely worthwhile to see a doctor if you believe that you or one of your children has ADHD. Boys are three times as likely as girls to be diagnosed with ADHD. Typically girls tend to have ADD (without hyperactivity), so they tend to be misdiagnosed with things such as depression or anxiety instead of ADD. If you think that your daughter is exhibiting signs of ADD, please take her for an evaluation, and mention your concerns. If will make her life significantly easier at school if she is diagnosed earlier rather than later.

I hope that this article has raised your awareness of ADHD. DealDash cares a lot about children, and hope that you keep an eye out for signs of ADHD. Speaking of children, DealDash has many great children’s items available for auction everyday, from video games to toy kitchens and stuffed animals – DealDash has it all! Just click this link right here and see how much you can save. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!

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