Win Kitchen Gadgets on DealDash

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DealDash is one of the best places around to get kitchen gadgets. Which kitchen gadgets are the most handy to have? Read on…

Even if you aren’t much of a cook, kitchen gadgets can still be very useful, and some of them are quite fun and whimsical. I personally enjoy trying out all of the newest kitchen gadgets, and whatever doesn’t make it into my “gadget rotation” I pass along to a friend, family member, or donate it to the local thrift shop. DealDash tends to have all of the newest and most popular gadgets for the kitchen, here are some of my favorites. If you get a chance to win one of these, you should!

Pie slicer/server – This simple little gadget is one of the hottest sellers on DealDash, and I predict that they will become even more popular next month for Thanksgiving. It not only cuts your pie into perfect slices, you can also pick up the pie by using the server like a pair of tongs. It has a simple, clean, elegant design.

Image result for magisso pie server

Vacuum sealer – I wanted one of these food sealers for the longest time, and I was finally able to get one last week. It has lots of potential other than to just seal your food for the freezer; you can do sous vide cooking, you can infuse a marinade or season a steak and seal it in to marinate, or you can even use it for non-food uses such as waterproofing your camera if you are going on a boat and aren’t sure if you’re going to get splashed or not. I wouldn’t advise sealing your camera and then tossing in the water for fun, but sometimes accidents happen and you will be glad you waterproofed it if you happen to get wet.

Foodsaver Vacuum Sealing System V3860

Oil-less fryer – I am so excited to try an oil-less fryer. I haven’t been able to snag one yet, but I have been yearning to get one lately! I have looked at them online and in the store, and they look amazing. Who wouldn’t want to eat fried chicken or french fries with significantly less fat and calories due to the oil-less nature of this gadget?

Big Boss Oil-Less FryerThere you have it, 3 awesome kitchen gadgets that you need to win from DealDash! To check out these gadget as well as other great kitchen supplies, just click on this link right here and it will take you to DealDash. DealDash has all of the great kitchen items that you want. Good luck and happy bidding everyone!