
DealDash – Maintaining Your Radiant Beauty

dealdash beauty skin care

Taking good care of your body and skin is important. Here are some of DealDash’s best tips to maintain your body and skin.

Taking good care of your health, body, and skin is very important, especially as we age. It isn’t as simple as just washing your face, there’s more to it than that. Here are some top tips for maintaining your radiant beauty from DealDash.

5 Simple Tips

Here are five of the best simple tips and activities to keep your natural beauty fresh and radiant at any age:

  1. Sleep

You don’t have to stay up late, you’re  — Read full post


DealDash Reveals the Dirtiest Home Areas

DEALDASH dirty home areas

You might be surprised at the dirtiest stuff in your home. You might miss cleaning these items because you don’t realize how dirty they are. Let DealDash help.

What do you think are the dirtiest areas in your home? For some reason, the toilet bowl has gained a bad reputation when it comes to the dirtiest. However, this isn’t quite true. Know that there are many other objects that house ten times more germs than the poor “throne.”

If you don’t realize that these things are dirty, you postpone their cleaning. After reading this article you won’t be putting them  — Read full post


Let DealDash Help You Kill Procrastination

DEALDASH procrastination

Stop wasting your precious time with procrastination. Get organized, get your life together, with DealDash.

Do you have a roommate? Let’s hope his name isn’t Mr. Household Clutter! If you are a parent, especially a mom, you should know by now that the most common clutter hot-spot is your children’s bedroom. Clutter can also become a real pain in your office, so here are some tips that will help you organize your stuff and make you comfortable. Stop procrastinating, and let DealDash help you!

Find a Home for Your Items

This is one of the reasons why you always lose  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Is Your Child Listening?

DealDash listening

It’s normal for a child to not be the most attentive when you want them to listen. Here are some ideas from DealDash to help you correct the situation.

As an experienced parent or grandparent, you probably know this already, but the way you talk to your toddler is going to have a significant impact on his learning and ability to listen to you. We should always strive to become good examples for our kids. We should show as well as tell them how they should act and behave. However, we should not ignore the fact that we, as parents,  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Worried About That Cough?

dealdash sick cough

Colds, coughs, and sneezes are commonplace during the colder months. When is it time to worry?

No matter how seasoned a parent or grandparent is, they always wonder if they should worry about their child’s cough. Relax, there are few more widespread and frustrating symptoms than a simple cough. From experience with my own three little ones, I know it can be irritating and annoying to them when they are trying to sleep. It can sometimes even be scary when they can’t catch their breath and are wheezing.

I know it hurts our little ones’ chests to a point that  — Read full post