Kids and Parenting Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Kids: St. Patrick’s Day Fun

St. Patrick’s Day is just a couple of short weeks away. With lots of kids still learning at home, now is the time to plan some fun! Here are some tips to help, from DealDash.

Planning a fun St. Patrick’s Day is important these days. Many kids are still learning at home, which can be very monotonous and not very much fun. You need to plan a great day for everyone to be able to enjoy this holiday. Here are some ideas for planning a memorable St. Patrick’s Day, from DealDash.

St. Patrick’s Day Crafts

The first thing you definitely  — Read full post

Home Outdoors

DealDash’s Lawn Preparation Tips

You might still have snow on the ground (and in the air!), but that doesn’t mean you can’t think about plans for your lawn in the Spring. Read this article from DealDash for some lawn preparation tips.

It’s only February, but Spring will be here soon enough. You might still be watching the snow melt, however, there are still lawn preparations to think about for the upcoming seasonal change. Read on for some suggestions from DealDash to get organized and ready.

Organize Your Garage or Shed – DealDash Can Help

For starters, one of the best ways to be prepared  — Read full post

Crafts and Sewing Kids and Parenting Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Kids: Valentine’s Crafts 2021

Valentine’s Day is almost here. Make Valentine’s Day crafts with your kids to show them some love. Read on for all of the information, from DealDash.

Many children are doing remote learning or homeschooling this year. It’s a great way to stay safer at home and to stay healthy, but kids are missing out on so many fun school activities. However, there’s no reason why you can’t do some of these fun holiday activities at home. Valentine’s Day fast approaching, and there are many fun crafts you can do to help celebrate this lovely holiday with your kids. Here are  — Read full post


DealDash Snow Tips this Winter

Living in the North means dealing with snow. You need these snow removal tips from DealDash.

Winter is here in full force, and for many of us, that means snow. DealDash has a few snow tips that will make your winter a little more pleasant this year. Read this article, stay warm, and Happy February!

Snow Tips #1 – DealDash Tools

The first thing that you will want to make sure you have when it snows is the right tools for the job. Now, if you are reading this and there is already a foot of snow on the ground,  — Read full post

Lifestyle Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Loves Valentine’s Day 2021

Now is the perfect time to plan for Valentine’s Day! Read these suggestions from DealDash, it will make it easier for you to treat your sweetie on this special day.

Consider this your reminder – Valentine’s Day will be here shortly. We might not get to go out to celebrate, but it can still be a lovely holiday. Here are some tips to plan for Valentine’s Day, from DealDash.

Plan a Special Dinner at Home

To begin with, everyone appreciates a homecooked meal. This is especially true if someone else cooks it. In my house, I cook 98% of the  — Read full post