Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash’s Last Minute Gifts for 2020

If you haven’t bought and wrapped gifts yet, it’s time! Here are some suggestions for last minute gifts, from DealDash.

Christmas will be here later this week! If you haven’t finished your shopping yet, you should get started. Don’t worry, DealDash has some last minute gift suggestions for you to try. Read on for more information.

Crafty Last Minute Gifts

To start off with, I know that not everyone is crafty. However, if you are – or have someone that can help you, this is a great solution. A handmade gift from a crafter, even a non-professional, can brighten  — Read full post

Fitness Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash’s Winter Fitness Ideas

Even though it’s winter, trying to keep fit is important. Read on for some winter fitness ideas from DealDash.

Winter is here and you probably aren’t spending as much time outside getting exercise. Fitness doesn’t take a winter break, and it’s important to try to keep up with a fitness routine in the winter. There are lots of activities out there, so here are a few ideas to get you started, from DealDash.

Winter Fitness Idea #1: Hiking

Firstly, as long as it isn’t actively snowing, raining, or sleeting, hiking can be a fun winter fitness activity. There are lots  — Read full post

Lifestyle Seasonal and Holiday

DealDash Helps Plan Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s is coming! Have you thought about a New Year’s resolution yet? DealDash can help.

Have you decided on a New Year’s resolution yet? Many of us make resolutions for the new year, and many of us abandon them after a few weeks or months. Why not think of some resolutions that are more manageable so you are able to keep them. Read on for some ideas from DealDash.

New Year’s Resolution #1 – Become Organized

For starters, you might want to make a New Year’s Resolution to become more organized. Becoming more organized is a good choice because  — Read full post


DealDash Prepares for Storms and Power Outages

Winter’s in full-swing, the chances of your power going out have gone up due to snow and ice on the power lines. Here are a few suggestions from DealDash help with a power outage.

As I had the displeasure of experiencing last night, power outages often happen during snowstorms. When the power goes out, especially in the cold, dark winter, it can be a very stressful time. Here are a few ways to prepare for a power outage, from DealDash.

Stock Up for Power Outages

To begin with, we should all try to be prepared for things such as power  — Read full post

Health Wellness

DealDash Health – Drink Water in Winter

Drinking water, even in winter, is important for your health. Read on for some suggestions, from DealDash

Even though it’s cold and snowy out, it’s still important for your health to drink water in winter. There are tons of health and fitness benefits that you can get by getting enough of this healthy beverage. It can be hard to drink enough water in winter, but we have some tips for you. Read on for more information from DealDash.

How Much Water in Winter?

Firstly, I’m sure that we can all agree that water is important to stay hydrated and feel  — Read full post