DealDash Organizes in July


Can you believe that we are already halfway through summer? Let’s use the rest of July to get organized. Follow these suggestions from DealDash to make it easy.

Getting organized doesn’t have to be a daunting task. It’s summertime! Throw those windows open to get some air, put on your favorite tunes, and get organized with DealDash! Here are a few simple tips available that can help you get organized this month.

Get Prepared – Spot Pick Up

To start with, getting organized is much easier (and faster) if you are prepared before you begin. Gather up all of the members of your family and assign them each to a room to do a “spot pick up”. This simply means that they pick up and put away anything that is either on the floor or is obviously in the wrong place. For example, all stray cups and dishes need to be in the kitchen and that hairbrush on the bookshelf? Let’s put that back into the bathroom or bedroom, please.

Once you have all of the rooms mostly picked up, then it’s much easier to get organized. I find that when I am trying to get organized, for me, the biggest roadblock is having to stop every 2 minutes to pick up and put away things that are in the wrong place. Getting distracted is the enemy of becoming organized!

Identify Problem Areas

Next, you will want to identify the “hot spots” in your home. These hot spots are places that collect clutter and prevent you from becoming organized. For example, what do you do with your mail when it arrives? Do you just toss it on the counter or table to “deal with it later”? This can make quite a disorganized mess if you let it collect. a better solution would be to find an organized “home” for your mail. In my house, we have a rack that has slots on it where we distribute the mail to each person when it comes in. There is less clutter and no lost mail.

Another problem area might be the bathroom, especially if you (or your spouse!) is a fan of skincare and grooming. I don’t know about you, but I have about 10 different serums, creams, lotions, and moisturizers that I use daily. I don’t want to keep them in a cabinet or drawer since I use them all once or twice daily, but they make the sink vanity look very cluttered. Some people might want to use a basket as a solution. However, I got a round shelf system that sits on the counter that you can spin to get to all of the sides. This makes the counter clutter-free, and it also makes things organized and easy to find.

DealDash Provides Organization

Finally, organization really depends on the situation – people have clutter in different areas. For example, my husband is very clean and organized everywhere except for the garage! Other people might be organized other than needing help with their office. The good news is that DealDash has many amazing home organization items up for auction.

If you need shelves, toy bins, garage racks, or decorative cabinets DealDash can help you get organized! Having these types of items around your home can make getting organized quick and easy. Click this link and you can check out items to organize your home in the Home, Garden, and Tools category.

Thanks for Reading

I hope that these organizing tips and suggestions helped you think about ways you can beautify your home. Thanks so much for reading this new article on organization. Be sure to check out our other articles in this series.

Good news! DealDash has shelves, storage, and cabinets! You will find different types and styles to choose from. Visit now to see how much you can save. Have a great time and happy bidding everyone! 



This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.