DealDash’s Healthier Kids This Summer

If you’re looking to improve your family’s health this summer, you’re in the right place! Get healthier kids and happier parents this summer.

Summer vacation is a time for kids to run free and enjoy themselves in the sun. But too often, this carefree season can be marred by weight gain and unhealthy habits that children pick up during their break from school. “Kids are more sedentary when they’re on vacation,” says Dr. Janice Svedova, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Columbia University Medical Center.”It’s normal because they’re not doing anything active after school.” If you want your child to maintain healthy habits over the summer, it is important that you start now by implementing these tips from DealDash.

Healthier Kids, Happier Parents

For starters, all parents want their kids to be healthy and develop good eating and exercise habits for life. Try some of these tips for healthier kids this summer.

– Be a role model and get active yourself. Kids are more likely to be active if they see their parents being healthy themselves. The best activities for kids include going on family bike rides, walking in the park, or playing outside with friends.

– Prepare lots of fresh fruits and vegetables at home so your children can eat what snacks you have instead of begging to go to the store for chips and candy.

– Get your child a membership to their local YMCA. Many offer affordable rates during the summer months and it is a great way for kids to get some exercise while being supervised.

– Develop an outdoor space in your own backyard that can be used as a play area. Even if you don’t have much room, you can still set up an area with a jump rope, soccer ball, water guns, etc.

– Encourage your older child or teen to ride their bike instead of being driven around. Biking is a great way for kids to get some exercise and it’s also a lot more inexpensive than going to the store with mom!

– Take time every day, as a family, to go outside and do something together that gets you sweating, at least a little. Examples might include a walk around the neighborhood, playing in the sprinkler at your local park, or even doing some gardening with grandma.

– Set up a system for getting outside daily that works well for you and your family’s schedule and preferences. You could set it up so every day when you get home from work all of you head out for a brisk walk as a family.

Cooking as a Family for Healthier Kids

Next, there are lots of reasons why cooking as a family is good for you and your kids.  It can improve your time together, open the door to learning cooking techniques, encourage healthy eating habits, teach basic life skills and help promote self-esteem in children.

Family cooking can be an enjoyable way to spend time together, help kids learn about healthy eating, and develop independence. One fun way to accomplish this is by making a family cookbook. Make a cookbook for your whole family! Include pictures of each recipe and how it came out.   You might include photographs of food from you taste-testing the results together. Making a family cookbook that your kids can share with their own kids in the future is truly a beautiful family memory.

Another fun way to teach your kids healthier eating habits is to make it fun. Kids enjoy a challenge and love to win. to this point, have a healthy food cooking contest with your kids. It will help you get them involved in the process and teach them responsibility. I have found that children tend to eat healthier when they plan it themselves. So challenge them to a contest! Here are a few sample categories.

  • Most colorful result
  • Best tasting (judged by another adult in the home, of course!)
  • Nicest presentation

Family Cooking With Help From DealDash

Finally, how are you supposed to have a fun cooking contest with your kids if you don’t have the proper tools for the job? There’s an easy way to fix that – go on DealDash and check out the kitchen supplies. You will find the typical fare such as chef’s knives, but you will also find some extremely unique items such as a soy milk maker (that also makes soup) and a real popcorn popper, just like at the movie theater! With items like that, you will have your kids begging to help you cook.

Thanks for Reading

This is really just the beginning of the tricks that you can use to get healthier kids this summer. Thanks so much for reading this DealDash article on kids and healthy habits. The best way for children to learn to grow up healthy is if they do it NOW, so make the most of your opportunity by eating smart with your kids!

Do you need items to cook healthy in the kitchen? Go check DealDash for unique items like the soy milk maker. You will find lots of things to make your family’s cooking experiences more fun for everyone. Visit DealDash now to see how much you can save. Have a great time and happy bidding everyone!